四至六年級聽障小學生漢語語音意識的實驗研究 An Experimental Study on Chinese Phonological Awareness of Primary School Pupils with Hearing Impairment
繪本結合桌上遊戲提升國小自閉症學生口語敘事能力之研究 Effects of an Intervention of Board Games Integrated into Picture Books Teaching on Oral Narrative Skills in ChildrenWith Autism Spectrum Disorders
繪本結合腳本戲劇遊戲提升國小智能障礙兒童口語敘事表達能力之研究 Enhancing Oral Narrative Skills in Children with Intellectual Disabilities via Script-Based Play Integrated into Picture Books Teaching
支持發展遲緩幼兒父親運用繪本共讀之研究 Engaging and Supporting Fathers in Shared Book Reading for Young Children with Developmental Delay
輔助溝通系統結合等待時間策略對國小特教班重度多重障礙學生溝通能力提升之成效 The Effects of Wait Time Strategy Integrated into Augmentative and Alternative Communication System on Communicative Competence of Elementary School Student with Severe and Multiple Disabilities