人文及社會科學集刊 Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy |
預刊 (37-38卷(2025-2026)期)期所有篇 |
- 【預刊】(37卷)論明代晚期葡萄牙人的中國奴隸獲取方式 The Acquisition of Chinese Slaves by the Portuguese in the Late Ming Dynasty
- 【預刊】(37卷)臺灣日治時期 新竹地區之送養事件分析 Out-adoption among Children in Colonial Taiwan: The Evidence in Xinzhu
- 【預刊】(37卷)自由主義中立原則與性別中立廁所 The Principle of Liberal Neutrality and Gender-Neutral Toilets
- 【預刊】(37卷)馬克思主義新帝國主義理論的現實主義時刻 The Realist Moment in Marxist Theory of New Imperialism
- 【預刊】(37卷)戰爭、國族與民主:帝國衝突下的英國觀念論公民論述之轉變 War, Nations, and Democracy: Changes in the Civic Discourses of British Idealists in the Face of Imperial Conflict
- 【預刊】(37卷)The Challenges of the EU’s Approaches to Address China’s Unfair Trade Practices: The Issue of Transnational Subsidies 歐盟因應中國大陸不公平貿易行為之挑戰:跨境補貼之問題
- 【預刊】(37卷)泛伊斯蘭主義與穆斯林知識分子的團結論述(1880s–1930s) Pan-Islamism and Muslim Intellectuals’ Discourse on Unity (1880s–1930s)
- 【預刊】(37卷)網絡如何動起來?COVID-19疫情下臺灣口罩機生產網絡重組過程分析 How to Activate a Network: The Reorganization Process of Taiwan’s Mask Machine Production Network during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 【預刊】(37卷)A New World Order ‘Reframed’ by China? China’s BRI Narratives and EU-China Relations 被中國‘重述’的新世界秩序?中國的帶路敘事及中歐關係
- 【預刊】(37卷)新住民子女的媒體差異呈現:語料庫與框架分析 Media Discrepancies among New Immigrant Children: Corpus-based Frame Analysis
- 【預刊】(37卷)從冷戰到後冷戰世代的女性生命歷程變遷:以金門個案研究為主 Life Course Changes of Women from the Cold War to the Post-Cold War Period: A Case Study on Kinmen
- 【預刊】(37卷)纏繞的國族與族群:當代菲律賓伊富高人再編織的織布技藝╱記憶 Entangled Nation/Ethnicity: The Skills and Memory of Contemporary Weaving Revitalization in Ifugao, the Philippines
- 【預刊】(38卷1期)財政管理機制之效果分析 Effectiveness of Fiscal Regulation Mechanisms
- 【預刊】(38卷1期)程序正義與警察正當性對民眾守法行為傾向的影響 The Impact of Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy on Public Compliance
- 【預刊】(38卷)自由主義的挑戰與宿命:論Friedrich Naumann對德國自由傳統的重構 The Challenges and Destiny of Liberalism: On Friedrich Naumann’s Reconstruction of the German Liberal Tradition
- 【預刊】(36卷2期)寬容的矛盾:當代藝術與社會規範 The Paradox of Tolerance: Contemporary Art and Social Norms
- 【預刊】(36卷2期)音樂、文藝機構與身分:中國的《人民音樂》(1950-2019)如何論述台灣流行音樂 Music, Institutions and Identity: How China’s People’s Music (1950-2019) Represented Taiwan’s Popular Music
- 【預刊】(36卷2期)幼時家庭語言對教育成就的影響 The Influence of Family Language in Childhood on Educational Achievement
- 【預刊】(36卷2期)當仕紳化碰上城市縮退:新莊、艋舺與大稻埕傳統市街轉型的比較 When Gentrification Meets City Shrinking: Comparing the Historic Districts of Xinzhuang, Monga and Dadaocheng
- 【預刊】(36卷2期)Low Turnover Rate of Public Health Nurses despite High Burnout: A Focus Group Study 公共衛生護理人員高工作倦怠但低離職率之現象探究:焦點團體之應用
- 【預刊】(36卷3期)貢寮水梯田復育案例中的協力關係:實踐陸域生態目標的一種嘗試 The Collaboration in the Case of Gongliao Water Terrace Restoration: An Attempt to Realize Terrestrial Ecological Objectives
- 【預刊】(36卷3期)抽煙與社經地位及生活滿意 Smoking, Socioeconomic Status, and Life Satisfaction
- 【預刊】(36卷3期)離岸風電如何推動地方創生?以桃園麗威和日本北九州響灘離岸風電開發案為例 How Offshore Wind Energy Leads to Local Revitalization: The Cases of Taiwan’s Li-Wei Project in Taoyuan and Japan’s Hibiki Project in Kitakyushu
- 【預刊】(36卷3期)從既存到轉型的能源政策路徑:浮現中的電力供應重新配置體制(1998-2020) From Incumbent to Transitional Energy Policy: An Emerging Reconfiguration Pathway of Taiwan’s Electricity Supply (1998-2020)
- 【預刊】(36卷3期)The Impact of Volkswagen Dieselgate on the Taiwanese Automotive Market 福斯柴油門事件對臺灣汽車市場之影響
- 【預刊】(36卷4期)自由與信任:兩種撥亂返治的政治思惟 Freedom and Trust: Two Models of Political Order
- 【預刊】(36卷4期)霍布斯、普芬道夫與國家人格理論 Hobbes, Pufendorf, and the Fictional Theory of the State
- 【預刊】(36卷4期)歐盟的政治形式與歐盟條約的「國際社會契約」面向:重訪普芬道夫、孟德斯鳩與盧梭的聯邦政治體理論 The Political Form of the European Union and the Inter-State Social-Contract Aspect of the EU Treaties: Revisiting the Federation Theories of Pufendorf, Montesquieu and Rousseau
- 【預刊】(36卷4期)飛地審議模式的參與式預算實踐:以身心障礙者就業之參與式預算試辦計畫為例 Participatory Budgeting with Enclave Deliberation: A Case Study of Project on Disability Employment Promotion
- 【預刊】(36卷4期)東南亞米與日本帝國:全球農糧體制中的跨帝國分工與資本積累 Southeast Asian Rice and the Japanese Empire: The Transimperial Division of Labour and Capital Accumulation in the Global Food Regime
- 【預刊】(36卷5期)離家就學與性別角色態度之關聯 Leaving Home to Study and Gender Role Attitudes
- 【預刊】(36卷5期)從「制度」到「相伴」?已婚女性的婚姻型態與婚姻品質 From Institution to Companionship? Marriage Types and Marriage Quality among Married Women
- 【預刊】(36卷5期)已婚者之代間支持與情感連結:性別與家系的作用 Intergenerational Support and Affection among Married People: The Function of Gender and Lineage
- 【預刊】(36卷5期)臺灣不同社經身分其福祉恆常差距之實證研究 Permanent Well-being Gaps across Socioeconomic Status in Taiwan
- 【預刊】(36卷5期)臺灣公私部門受僱者工作滿意度差異之分析:兼論年資的調節效應 Differences in Job Satisfaction among Public and Private Sector Employees in Taiwan: Sector-specific Tenure as a Moderator