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Life Course Changes of Women from the Cold War to the Post-Cold War Period: A Case Study on Kinmen
作者 劉香蘭 (Hsiang-Lan Liu)
冷戰研究忽略探索瀕臨冷戰的女性經驗,包括兩群,1. 經歷戰爭、走過冷戰的「戰地世代」,其在冷戰後的經驗未有探索,2. 冷戰後出生「後戰地世代」,生命經驗受冷戰時期和後冷戰時期的影響。本文基於生命歷程理論,以金門為場域,運用質性研究和世代分析,訪談「戒嚴世代」和「解嚴世代」女性,探索兩群女性生命歷程樣態及其在雙重邊緣金門的處境。研究主要發現是金門女性生命歷程呼應歷史時期下的制度需要,在雙重邊緣金門下兩代女性被侷限於單一領域的參與,反映地緣政治下國家、市場和家庭的特定關係。
Cold War studies have overlooked women’s experiences, which includes two groups: 1. the “battlefield cohort” who lived through the Cold War whose experiences post-Cold War have not been explored, and 2. the “post-battlefield cohort” born after the Cold War, whose life experiences were influenced by the Cold War and post-Cold War periods. This study, using Kinmen as the sample, is based on the life-course theory and qualitative research method to interview two groups. Specifically, the strategy of the cohort study was used to explore their life courses and connected with the position of Kinmen. The finding reveals that the Kinmen women’s life courses echo the institutional requirements of historical periods. Their live domain is confined to a single domain reflecting specific relationships between the state, market, and family connecting with the geopolitical double marginalization of Kinmen.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 生命歷程理論世代分析冷戰金門婦女研究
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊  
期數 預刊 (36-38卷(2024-2026)期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X202403002   複製DOI
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該期刊-下一篇 【預刊】(38卷1期)財政管理機制之效果分析




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