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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Permanent Well-being Gaps across Socioeconomic Status in Taiwan |
作者 |
許碧峰 (Pi-Fem Hsu) |
中文摘要 |
本篇已有正式出刊版本,請檢索「臺灣不同社經身分其福祉恆常差距之實證研究」(10.53106/1018189X202210001) 本文利用2007–2020年華人家庭動態調查(Panel Study of Family Dynamics)之追蹤資料,檢視各社經身分在幸福感以及健康、工作與家庭生活滿意度之恆常差距。首先以混合模型(mixed model)預測個人福祉恆常偏離的幅度,並利用似無相關聯立(seemingly unrelated regressions equations, SURE)模型檢視各社經身分之福祉差距。實證結果顯示,學歷低於平均者的各方福祉均偏低,並且個人之教育薪酬折溢價幅度與其福祉呈現正向關係。此外,低社經身分者不佳之經濟狀況,亦可能來自較高的退出勞動市場風險率(hazard ratio)。由於恆常經濟狀態將影響各方福祉,實證結果亦顯示55歲前之幸福感變化,受到工作滿意度的影響最大。 |
英文摘要 |
This study adopts 2007–2020 longitudinal data surveyed from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics Database to examine well-being gaps across socio-economic status. The well-being discussed here are happiness as well as satis-factions on health, job and family life. We used a mixed model to predict the well-being magnitude with which an individual deviated from others perma-nently, and adopted seemingly unrelated regressions equations to identify the effects of socioeconomic status on well-being. Our empirical findings show that those with lower-than-average education would experience inferior well-being in all aspects. An individual’s extra (or discount) education premium is positively associated with his well-being. Additionally, the tough revenue situations for those with low-socioeconomic status may arise from their higher hazard ratio of labor-force withdrawal. Since permanent earnings status would affect one’s well-being, we also find that an individual’s happiness variation before the age of 55 is largely attributable to job satisfaction. |
起訖頁 |
1-26 |
關鍵詞 |
社經身分、混合模型、主觀福祉、退出勞動市場 |
刊名 |
人文及社會科學集刊 |
期數 |
預刊 (36-38卷(2024-2026)期) |
出版單位 |
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