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Pan-Islamism and Muslim Intellectuals’ Discourse on Unity (1880s–1930s)
作者 包修平 (Hsiu-Ping Bao)
Pan-Islamism in the post-Cold War era is frequently seen to challenge universal values and impede communication between the Muslim world and the West. Pan-Islamism can be defined as advocation for the global unification of Muslims in order to resist external influences. However, the term ‘Pan-Islamism’ has not only gained significant popularity in the post-Cold War era but has been utilized by Western politicians, scholars, writers, and travellers since the late 19th century to comprehend the Muslim world. Nevertheless, Muslim intellectuals of that era also formulated various arguments to contest the perspectives of Western elites. This article analyses the perspectives of Western elites toward Pan-Islamism during the late 19th century, the discourses of Muslim intellectuals on unity, and key events that occurred during and after World War I. Through these examples, the article explores the relationship between the Muslim world and the West.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 泛伊斯蘭主義哈里發歐斯曼帝國凱末爾世界穆斯林大會
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊  
期數 預刊 (36-37卷(2024-2025)期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X202312001   複製DOI
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