馬來西亞華人家庭手機使用行為與親子互動關係之研究 A Study of the Relationship between Mobile Phone Usage among Malaysian Chinese Family and Parent-Child Interaction
社群行銷圖文組合模式效益分析——以台灣火鍋業臉書為例 Analysis of Different Visual Communication Effects on Social Media - An Example of Hotpot Restaurants' Fanpage on Facebook in Taiwan
雲端3D模擬展示平台於室內設計之應用 The Application of Online 3D Simulation Platform in Interior Design
包裝視覺與嗅覺感受之關聯性研究——以個人清潔用品為例 A reasearch of relationship between the packgae's vison and scent image - an example of Toiletries
環保商品與數位行銷設計初探——以平溪地方創生為例 A Preliminary Study on the Design and Digital Marketing of Environmental-Friendly Products–A Case Study of Regional Revitalization in Pingxi
一物一碼結合社群媒體如何實現顧客忠誠計畫 Unique QR Code Integrate with Social Media to Achieve Customer Loyalty Program
宮廟視覺意象設計方法之探討 Discussion on the Design Method of Temple Vision
消費者對包裝設計風格購買意願影響之研究——以果乾包裝為例 Research on the Influence of Consumers on the Purchase Intention of Packaging Design Style–Take Dried Fruit Packaging as an Example
探討產品包裝機能對於視覺障礙人士之便利性及改善意見——以超商販售商品為例 To explore the convenience of product packaging function for visually impaired people and suggestions for improvement, take the example of goods sold by convenience store
居民對於住宅環境及室內設計偏好研究 Residents' Preference for Residential Environment and Interior Design
傳統剪紙壽字轉換文化產品設計之模式 The Model of Transferring the Traditional Paper-cut Shou (壽) Character into Cultural Product Design
老虎圖像探討與造形創作——以漫畫角色「虎姑婆」造形為例 Discussion and Creation of Tiger Images - Taking the Comic Character ''Aunt Tigress'' as an Example
文化探索適地性遊戲路徑對心流經驗與遊戲效果影響之研究 Influences of tracking paths on flow experience and game effect incultural exploration location-based game
1980至2020年間臺灣民間紀實攝影之手法與分析 The evolution and analysis of Taiwan documentary photography from 1980 to 2020
紀實攝影中完形法則視覺喜好與意象研究 Documentary Photography in visual preference and image of Gestalt Law
公共電視戲劇節目顧客導向之數位行銷策略研究 The Study of Customer-Oriented Digital Marketing Strategy: The Example of Public Television Service Drama Program
參數化色彩意象自動商品配色與分析 Automatic Product Color Scheme Using Parametric Color Images with Analysis
利用同色異譜開發白光LED色彩品質檢測導具 Development of Color Quality Inspection Guide for White-light LED Based on Metamerism