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The Study of Customer-Oriented Digital Marketing Strategy: The Example of Public Television Service Drama Program
作者 許蕙蘭
Due to the development of digital media, digital marketing has become the mainstream of corporate publicity. Creative and various marketing tools make digital marketing strategies more complex and precise. It becomes an important research project to evaluate how the public television service promotes the corporate publicity in the competitive field of digital media. This research takes PTS dramas as the research object which have been heatedly discussed in the past two years. Besides, this research is based on the 5A customer experience path by marketing master, Philip Kotler. By the analysis of questionnaire surveys, we learn about the audience's experience of the PTS drama digital marketing strategies. In addition, through in-depth interviews, we learn the planning and implement of PTS digital marketing strategy. By organizing these data, this research points out the influence of PTS digital marketing strategies and audience experience behavior. Research has found that audiences are often attracted by social platforms and audiovisual content in the stages of aware, appeal and ask, when watching PTS dramas. In addition to the operation, the staff can always use data analysis to accurately identify the profile of the audiences and apply to customer service to enhance the loyalty of the audiences. In the future, PTS should focus on the development of drama IP, which is not only an extension of the drama concept, but also a brand of PTS to extend more value-added innovations and services. It can extend the value of dramas; on the other hand, it demonstrates the brand image of PTS, which is a necessary development and public service in the future.
起訖頁 445-463
關鍵詞 公共電視數位行銷策略顧客體驗路徑5A架構Public Television ServiceDigital Marketing StrategyCustomer Experience Path5A
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202105 (2021期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 紀實攝影中完形法則視覺喜好與意象研究
該期刊-下一篇 參數化色彩意象自動商品配色與分析




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