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Automatic Product Color Scheme Using Parametric Color Images with Analysis
作者 彭雅芳
Color scheme is an important part of the product design process. It often takes a lot of time to communicate and modify. However, timeliness is an essential requirement for almost all business activities today, so the proposal to provide color scheme immediately is an urgent issue. This study applies the color image (Kobayashi, 2006) listed in the Color Image Scale (Kobayashi, 1991) as a design parameter to develop a ''color image extraction algorithm''. The algorithm is used to extract three underlying color images from the description, and collect a large number of color combinations corresponding to these images, and pick out the parts that conform to the feature of color harmony through the ''multi-images color harmony algorithm'' to establish a ''parameterized color image and color scheme system''. Let the color of product have the color images that the description intends to convey. In order to verify the effectiveness of the above two algorithms and the system, this study designed three sets of experiments, using questionnaires to evaluate the effectiveness of the methods, the three sets of experiments are: A, ''description input, color image output''; B, ''color images input, color scheme output''; C, ''description input, color scheme output'', to explore the accuracy and recall of the algorithms and the system, the results are as follows: Accuracy of experiment A is up to 70% (output the first color image contains the expected images), and the recall is up to 55% (output the top two color images contain the expected images). It is recommended to refer to the top two color images outputs when using the ''Color Image Extraction Algorithm''. The accuracy of both B and C experiments is 80%. The ''multi-images color harmony algorithm'' and the ''parameterized color image and color scheme system'' can provide the conversion requirements for language and color scheme. Subjects with design background and non-design background did not differ significantly in the performance of the questionnaire results. In summary, although there is still a lot to improve in the images of extraction, it is highly feasible in the correspondence between color images and color scheme.
起訖頁 464-489
關鍵詞 色彩意象色彩調和自動配色自然語言處理Color ImageColor HarmonyAutomatic Color SchemeNatural Language Processing
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202105 (2021期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 公共電視戲劇節目顧客導向之數位行銷策略研究
該期刊-下一篇 利用同色異譜開發白光LED色彩品質檢測導具




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