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Developement and Sales Direction About Taiwan's E-Book
作者 林泯杉郝宗瑜
電子書(Electronic books)的想法可以追溯到1968年由Alan Kay所提出的「動力書」(Dynabook),而在2007年11月19日,全球最大的網路零售商亞馬遜(Amazon),推出一款名為「Kindle」的電子閱讀器,從此,全球的書籍市場迎來了新的里程碑,也開啟了另外一種新的商業銷售模式,而在臺灣的書籍市場也需要面臨這樣的的挑戰。而電子書從導入臺灣至今已經過了將近十年,但是臺灣的電子書市場卻並沒有如同全球的趨勢一樣的蓬勃發展。在臺灣的電子書市場有分為三個主要的角色,一是內容提供者,也就是作者、出版商等,二是服務平台,如Amazon、Readmoo等,三是閱讀設備,如智慧型手機、電子閱讀器、平板等。本研究以此三個主要角色來分析臺灣電子書目前的情勢、未來發展趨勢以及未來可以發展的面相,並以PEST理論分析臺灣的電子書的法令對於電子書的影響、電子書的近年經濟成長趨勢、臺灣年輕群體對於電子書的接受度和購買意願以及臺灣電子書的格式與載體,並在之中探討出對於臺灣電子書產業未來的優勢。
On November 19, 2007, the world's largest online retailer ''Amazon'' launched a the e-reader called ''Kindle'' .This invention reached a new milestone in the global book market and opened up another new business sales model. Taiwan's book market also needs to face the new challenges. Almost ten years have passed since the introduction of e-books in Taiwan, but the e-book market in Taiwan has not developed as vigorously as the global trend. There are three roles in Taiwan's e-book market. First, is content providers, such as authors, publishers, etc., the second is service platforms, such as Amazon, Readmoo, etc., and the third is reading devices, such as smart phones, E-readers, etc. This study uses the three roles to analyze the situation, future development trends and future development of Taiwan's e-books, and analyzes the influence of Taiwan's e-book laws on e-books and the economic growth of e-books in recent years using PEST theory. Trends, the acceptance and purchase intentions of e-books by young Taiwanese groups, and the format and carrier of e-books in Taiwan, and explore the future advantages of Taiwan's e-book industry.
起訖頁 106-119
關鍵詞 電子書電子書發展PESTE-BooksPESTThe development of E-Books
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202105 (2021期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
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該期刊-下一篇 網路新聞媒體平台之使用者介面設計之易用性研究




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