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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study of News Website User Interface and Usability
作者 楊卉心曾絲宜
In view of the increasing popularity of reading news through smartphones in daily life, there is little research on the usability of news websites. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore the news website user interface design that meets the needs of the current public, using questionnaire surveys and supplemented by usability testing (Thinking Aloud, System Usability Scale, Post-Event Interviews) as research methods, targeting four domestic Internet news media to conduct surveys on mobile web user interface design. There are 267 subjects in the questionnaire survey, and 19 subjects of the usability testing were solicited from the survey subjects. Research conclusions and recommendations: 1. Give priority to provide users with the required functional interface design and then cooperate with commercial considerations to enhance the benefits of both users and the news media; 2. Visual design should create visual guidance that is conducive to focused reading, and adopt intuitive use icon design and reduce the length of the advertisement; 3. Establish an interface design that is easy to understand and learn quickly for all ages; 4. It is recommended to use straightforward and easy-to-understand vocabulary in the classification menu of the navigation bar to reduce users being guided to incorrect content probability.
起訖頁 120-139
關鍵詞 網路新聞媒體使用者介面使用者經驗設計思考News WebsiteUser InterfaceUser ExperienceDesign Thinking
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202105 (2021期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣電子書的發展及銷售方向
該期刊-下一篇 比較紙本書與電子書對於消費者的購買意願之影響——以流行雜誌為例




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