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Comparison ICC profile quality in different cases
作者 林幗濠馬立懿
現今想要實現色彩管理Icc色彩描述檔必不可缺,要想要達到好的色彩複製,品質好的色彩描述檔就尤其重要。因此本研究模擬製作數位相機色彩描述檔環境,透過固定環境變數如燈光角度、光學鏡頭、拍攝焦段等,透過改變導表曝光量,製作色彩描述檔目的選項,藉此研究探討其對製作色彩描述檔品質的關聯性。實驗一使用了X-rite的Color Checker SG 140色導表,在攝影棚環境下拍對導表進行不同曝光的拍攝,將拍攝結果透過軟體製作對應的色彩描述檔,最後透過軟體分析得出色差值以對其品質進行評估。實驗二則是改變製作色彩描述檔的目的選項,去觀察最後色差值的大小,分析色彩描述檔品質。實驗結果是,想要製作更好的色彩描述檔,對導表正確的曝光至關重要,過曝會對色彩描述檔的品質產生反效果,對於欠曝則有很好的寬容度。雖然如此,欠曝值越大,對於最大色差值也越大,因此即使平均色差值在欠曝時有很好的寬容度,但考慮到其色彩準確性,還是應該對導表做盡量準確的曝光。而對於製作色彩描述檔目的,使用Reproduction(再複製)選項則是對色彩描述檔品質最優的選項,其他的目的選項也能有效的大幅降低色差值。
Nowadays, Icc color profiles are indispensable for color management. To achieve good color reproduction, high-quality color profiles are especially important. Therefore, this research simulates the production of digital camera color profile environment, through fixed environmental variables such as light angle, optical lens, shooting focal length, etc., by changing the exposure of the guide meter and making different color profile options, to study the relevant with ICC profile. In experiment 1, X-rite's Color Checker SG 140 color was shot in a studio environment with different exposures. The shooting results were produced through software to create a corresponding ICC profile, and analyzed by ColorThink Pro to evaluate its quality. The second experiment is to change the purpose of making the ICC profile in ProfileMaker, observe the value of deltaE00 to evaluate its quality. The experimental result is that if you want to make a better ICC profile, the correct exposure of the ColorChecker is essential. Overexposure will have an adverse effect on the quality of the ICC profile, and there is a good tolerance for underexposure. Even so, the larger the underexposure value make worse deltaE maximum value. Therefore, even if the average color difference value has a good tolerance when underexposing, considering its color accuracy, you should try to achieve accurate exposure. Accurate exposure. For the purpose of making a color profile, using the Reproduction option is the best option for the color profile. Other purpose option s can also greatly reduce the color difference value.
起訖頁 50-62
關鍵詞 色彩管理系統色彩描述檔Color Management SystemICC Profile
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202105 (2021期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 以連續角度光源及卷積神經網路檢測光影變化箔膜影像
該期刊-下一篇 頻譜影像結合雲端色彩配色之技術演進




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