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Discussion and Creation of Tiger Images - Taking the Comic Character ''Aunt Tigress'' as an Example
作者 徐碧娟王藍亭
In Taiwanese fairy tales of ''Aunt Tigress'', the impression that tigers eat people, especially children is deeply rooted. ''Aunt Tigress'' is used to warn children that there will be aunt tigress out to patrol for children who not to sleep at night. Later, many creators use the theme of ''Aunt Tigress'' as story foundation and the extension of the theme story creation. Although the tiger plays a scary and sinister role in ancient fairy tales, the folks often use the tiger image to eliminate disasters and avoid evil, such as the ''Tiger Lord'' in the temple, which becomes a god worshipped by the people. In the current comics and animations, the tiger plays a cute and righteous role and grows up with the children. ''Tiger'' is highly flexible in creation, which can be very evil (like Aunt Tigress), and can be very righteous (like Tiger Lord), it can also be very cute (such as Stone Tiger, Qiaohu, Tigger), this study used tiger image for discussion and analysis, including color analysis, shape analysis, and personality analysis of tiger image. In this study, a series of action figure creations were made with the comic character ''Aunt Tigress'', including the hand-made creation of ''Aunt Tigress'' with wool felt, drawing the ''Aunt Tigress'' figure, modeling the ''Aunt Tigress'' image by Maya 3D modeling software, and creating the ''Aunt Tigress'' shape with 3D printing.
起訖頁 394-402
關鍵詞 老虎圖像造形創作漫畫虎姑婆公仔TigerImageModelingCreationComicsAunt TigressAction Figure
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202105 (2021期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 傳統剪紙壽字轉換文化產品設計之模式
該期刊-下一篇 文化探索適地性遊戲路徑對心流經驗與遊戲效果影響之研究




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