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Building Phonetic Input Software for Braille and the Application to Design
作者 陳盈秀
In 1950, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) officially recognized braille as the universal writing system for people who are visually impaired. Then in 1990, the publication of World Braille Usage revealed that this system of writing had been adopted by 85 different countries. As Braille became an essential tool for people with visual impairment to receive information and send out messages, however, learning how to use it has been an important task for these people. In Taiwan, the making of braille books has been time-consuming and strenuous due to a shortage of professionals who can read braille and convert texts to braille. To address this problem, this research seeks to establish a correlation between braille characters and the Mandarin Phonetic Symbols (MPS) and then develops a font that converts MPS into braille. The methodology of this research contains three stages. In the first stage, interviews with organizations that produce braille documents were conducted so as to understand the current conditions for braille production. In the second stage, efforts were focused on setting braille-MPS conversion patterns for the development of a software. Lastly, usability tests were run on the software. The research results show that this software can largely shorten the time producing braille documents, hence increasing the number of braille books available for people with visual impairment to read and absorb knowledge. Also, by involving designers in the creation of braille books, the typesetting of pictures and braille texts can be carried out at the same time, thus ensuring the beauty of the books. It is hoped that the results of this research would support the production of braille books and other braille documents, while providing implications for future studies on braille.
起訖頁 509-529
關鍵詞 點字字型軟體雙視書視覺障礙BrailleFont softwareDouble-view booksVisual impairment
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202105 (2021期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 利用同色異譜開發白光LED色彩品質檢測導具
該期刊-下一篇 資料可視化能力與視覺素養之研究




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