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A Study on the Visual Correction of the Phenomenon of Lenticular Lens Array Dynamic Moiré Position
作者 劉美蘭
從凱蒂貓的3D立體印刷磁鐵、史努比3D立體印刷卡證到阿凡達立體電影的推出,立體成像技術隨著科技的發展不斷進步與成長,更帶動立體印刷廣泛應用於產品、包裝、卡片、海報、禮品、藝術創作…等各個層面上。在觀看上雖無需配戴輔助工具即可見到栩栩如生的變圖、立體、變大變小及動態的變幻效果,但屢見有觀看時產生視覺不舒適、立體效果不明顯、動態成像偏移或移動時留存殘像…等,故可見立體印製效果仍有很大的改善空間。 而影響各式光柵板立體印刷效果的品質因素包含:光柵材質、製程、技術與經驗的累積,在多種光柵材質及多變的立體效果中,應如何搭配才能獲得最佳表現效果,亦需有更多及更深入的分析和研究一一解決。 本次研究僅針對立體印刷中的動態效果偏移以實驗法進行視覺校正研究,研究圖像將截取歐普藝術中運用造形的點、線、面與視點移動構成要素的表現手法原理製作實驗用圖,並結合幾何光學中的柱狀透鏡成像原理,將經過處理的圖像,利用具有透鏡成像效果的光柵板材料進行直接印刷。 從實驗觀察、記錄與分析中發現,造成此動態成果偏移的主要原因為:光柵板透鏡材料歪斜及透鏡裁切位置不同,造成影像焦距偏移,致使疊紋成像位置無法在透鏡正中央的生產過程不穩定性。 經實驗分析解決方式為:於光柵板材料進料後先依節距(Pitch)分類,使用時依印製需求選用分類之光柵板及參考實驗結果與調整數據,印製時調整光柵板的進板位置進行印製。除此之外,建議修正原光柵板印製流程,將光柵板材料的選用與測試,調整至重要的第一個流程,依分類的節距(Pitch)進行後續所需的設計與成品印製。 希望本研究所提供的實驗資料與解決方式,能做為未來立體創意設計與光柵板立體印刷時,疊紋偏移現象視覺校正的重要參考。
From Hello Kitty's 3D three-dimensional printing magnet, Snoopy 3D printing card to the launch of Avatar's three-dimensional film, the three-dimensional imaging technology continues to progress and grow with the development of science and technology, and it also drives three-dimensional printing to be widely used in products, packaging, cards, Posters, gifts, artistic creation, etc. on all levels. Although you don't need to wear auxiliary tools to see the life-like changes in the picture, stereo, larger and smaller, and dynamic changes, but it is often seen that the viewing is uncomfortable, the stereo effect is not obvious, the dynamic imaging offset or Remaining afterimages while moving...etc., so we can see that there is still much room for improvement in the three-dimensional printing effect. The quality factors that affect the three-dimensional printing effect of various Lenticular Lens Array include: Lenticular Lens Array material, manufacturing process, technology and experience accumulation. In a variety of Lenticular Lens Array materials and variable three-dimensional effects, how should they be matched to obtain the best performance, there are still needs More and more in-depth analysis and research are solved one by one. This research only uses the experimental method to visually correct the dynamic effect shift in three-dimensional printing. The research image will intercept the principle of expression techniques used in OP art to form the elements of point, line, surface and viewpoint movement. Combined with the cylindrical lens imaging principle in geometric optics, the processed images are directly printed using the Lenticular Lens Array material with lens imaging effect. From experimental observation, recording and analysis, it is found that this dynamic result shifts The main reason is: the lens material of the Lenticular Lens Array is skewed and the lens cutting position is different, which causes the image focal length to shift, which makes the production process of the moiré imaging position in the center of the lens unstable. After experimental analysis, the solution is as follows: after the grating plate material is fed, first classify according to the Pitch, use the classified Lenticular Lens Array according to the printing needs when using, and refer to the experimental results and adjustment data, adjust the advancement of the Lenticular Lens Array during printing The board position is printed. In addition, it is recommended to modify the original grating printing process, adjust the selection and testing of the grating material to the important first process, and perform the subsequent required design and finished product printing according to the classified Pitch. It is hoped that the experimental data and solutions provided by this institute can be used as an important reference for the visual correction of the moire shift phenomenon in the future three-dimensional creative design and three-dimensional printing of Lenticular Lens Array.
起訖頁 547-565
關鍵詞 光柵光柵板柱狀透鏡成像原理疊紋GratingLenticular Lens ArrayCylindrical Lens Imaging PrincipleMoiré Position
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202105 (2021期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 資料可視化能力與視覺素養之研究
該期刊-下一篇 台灣印刷包裝相關產業年報




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