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Research on the Influence of Consumers on the Purchase Intention of Packaging Design Style–Take Dried Fruit Packaging as an Example
作者 胡雅萍高榮利
Taiwan is located in a subtropical country. The terrain varies greatly and has a vertical climate. This special situation allows growers to grow a wide variety of fruits on this piece of soil. When the fruit is processed and dried, in addition to extending the validity period of the food, it also preserves the original flavor of the fruit. You can eat your favorite types no matter what season. Dried fruits sold in the market are dazzling. What kind of visual packaging will arouse people's attention and stand out in the vast commodity. This research mainly discusses the degree of dried fruit packaging design style to consumers' purchase intention. Through literature review, text, illustrations, photos and colors in packaging design are important elements to attract consumers. This study collected samples of dried fruit packaging on the market, divided into text, illustration and photo design styles. Based on the results of the research, consumers have a higher degree of willingness to buy packaging styles with ''illustration style'', followed by packaging styles with ''picture style'', and packaging with the least willingness to purchase ''text styles''.
起訖頁 339-346
關鍵詞 包裝設計消費者消費動機Packaging designConsumer motivation
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202105 (2021期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 宮廟視覺意象設計方法之探討
該期刊-下一篇 探討產品包裝機能對於視覺障礙人士之便利性及改善意見——以超商販售商品為例




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