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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study of the Relationship between Mobile Phone Usage among Malaysian Chinese Family and Parent-Child Interaction
作者 黃瀅倩連淑錦
手機能將全世界的人連接起來,卻往往使人忽略了身邊最親近的人。本研究採用深度訪談法,探討馬來西亞中學生與家長之間對於彼此手機使用與親子互動關係之看法。 本研究將受訪者區分為兩組,一組為擁有任一介於13至18歲孩子的家長,另一組則為13至18歲的孩子。研究者傾聽兩方意見,發掘雙方從未對彼此表達的感受。同時對比雙方觀點,突破雙方的盲點,點出雙方或許未曾在意,但另一方卻非常介意的小細節。訪談分為五個部分,分別為孩子的手機使用行為、家長的手機使用行為、雙方對孩子使用手機的擔憂、管教方式及手機與親子關係。 本研究發現手機本身不會影響親子關係,而是手機主人的性格、態度、價值觀才是對親子關係產生影響的重要關鍵。此外,手機並沒有伴隨家長成長,但卻伴隨著現今的孩子成長。因此,家長需要一些時間適應並接受孩子使用手機;而孩子也需要一些時間適應並調整自己使用手機的行為。最後,在華人的文化傳統裏,面子是不可缺少的。而面子往往會影響了手機在人們心中的重要性,因而奠定了手機在這個社會上的地位。
Mobile phones can connect people from anywhere, but people seem more disconnected more than ever. This research utilizes in-depth qualitative interviews to obtain data. This research aims to discuss the perspectives of Malaysian high schoolers and parents on the relationship between mobile phone usage and parents-children interaction. The interviewees in this research are in 2 groups. First group will consist of parents with children / child within the age 13 to 18. Second group will consist of children within the age 13 to 18. The opinions of both groups will be taken and compared with the purpose of uncovering the opinions that were never expressed to either group. The interview has 5 main parts, mobile phone usage of children, mobile phone usage of parents, concerns about the mobile phone usage of children, parenting methods, and parents-children relationships respectively. From this research, we can conclude mobile phones themselves will not affect parents-children relationships, however the main effector are the users themselves. Furthermore, both groups have different upbringing, therefore both groups have to adapt. Lastly, in the Chinese culture, pride will often affect the perceived importance of mobile phones, thus solidifying the status of mobile phones in the society nowadays.
起訖頁 221-239
關鍵詞 馬來西亞華人家庭親子關係親子互動手機使用行為Chinese familyMalaysiamobile phone usage behaviorparents-child interactionsparents-child relationship
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202105 (2021期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 數據資料競賽動畫實作——以COVID-19確診數為例
該期刊-下一篇 社群行銷圖文組合模式效益分析——以台灣火鍋業臉書為例




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