特教專業學生的無障礙環境態度,及其校園無障礙環境建設現狀──以嶺南師範學院為例 Students' attitude towards barrier-free environment in special education majors and the current situation of campus barrierfree environment construction
資源班教師與特殊教育學校教師,職場壓力與因應策略比較研究 A Comparative Study of Workplace Pressure and Response Strategies between Resource Class Teachers and Teachers in Special Education Schools
圖片交換溝通系統,對自閉症兒童溝通行為的個案研究 The Case Study on Communication Behavior of Children with Autism in Low Oral Language by Picture Exchange Communication System
嶺南師範學院圖書館無障礙環境現況之探究 A Pilot Study on the accessibility of Lingnan Normal University Library
特殊教育教師眼中,注意力缺陷過動症學生行為調查研究 Investigation and study on the behavior of students with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the views of special education teachers
湛江市商場無障礙設施調查研究──以萬達和金沙灣萬象廣場為例 Investigation of the barrier-free facilities of shopping malls in Zhanjiang City-- take Wanda Plaza and Sands Bay Vientiane Plaza as examples
陽江市商圈無障礙環境情況調查──以百利廣場和君怡商業廣場為例 Study on the Effect of Social Skills Training For Students With Mild Mental Retardation In Higher Vocational Colleges
廣東省湛江市文化建築無障礙設施情況研究──以湛江市圖書館和湛江市博物館為例 Research on barrier-free facilities of Zhanjiang cultural buildings in Guangdong Province--Taking Zhanjiang Library and Zhanjiang Museum as examples
特殊教育學系學生專業發展與多元智能發展之研究—─以嶺南師院為例 The study of the professional development and multi-intelligence development of students in the Department of Special Education takes Lingnan Normal University as an example
大陸和美國早期聽力篩查和介入實踐比較研究──兼對幾個重要概念誤用現象的討論 A Comparative Study of Early Hearing Screening and Intervention in Mainland China and the United States--A discussion on the misuse of several important concepts