中山大学法律评论 Sun Yat-sen University Law Review |
201404 (11:2期)期所有篇 |
- 公海非法捕魚的國際法律管制 International Legal Regulation to IUU Fishing on High Sea
- 有關非法漁獲的貿易限制措施在WTO體制下的合法性問題 The Legality of Trade Restrictions for Illegal Catches Under the WTO System
- 中韓與中越漁業協定及其實施的比較分析——兼論中韓漁業衝突解決之道 A Comparative Analysis of the Sino - South Korean Fishery Agreement and the Sino- Vietnamese Fishery Agreement and Their Implementation--Concurrently Discussion on the Resolution of the Sino-South Korean Fishery Conflicts
- 處罰法定原則的困境與出路——以海洋行政執法為視角 The Dilemma and Outlet of the Principle of Prescribed Administrative Punishment: In the Perspective of Marine Law Enforcement
- 大陸國家在其遠洋群島適用直線基線問題 The Application of Straight Baselines to the Mid – Ocean Archipelagos of Continental States
- 共同開發南中國海油氣資源的法律問題 Legal Issues on Joint Development of Marine Oil and Gas Resources in South China Sea
- 先於政府的法律:思想意識與志向 Law before Government: Ideology and Aspiration
- 法和政治的存在論——海德格爾對黑格爾《法哲學原理》的現象學闡釋 The Ontology of the Law and Politics--Heidegger's Phenomenological Interpretation to Hegel's 'Principle of Law Philosophy'
- 法律權威的“戲劇”之維:以信任為視角 The Dramatic Dimension of Legal Authority: An Observation From the Perspective of Trust
- 法律適用中的形式邏輯與實質正義——以審判格推理中的價值缺失為視角 Formal Logics and Material Justice in the Application of Law--From the Perspective of Missing Value in Judicial Induction
- 跨區域水資源污染治理研究——以珠江流域為例 Research on the Governance of Trans - boundary Water Pollution: Illustrated by the Example of Pearl River Basin
- 市場失靈、技術法規與“合法規制區分例外”——«TBT協定»第2(1)條中“不低於待遇”判定標準的經濟學之維 Market Failure, Technical Regulations and 'Legitimate Regulatory Distinction Exception'--The Economic Dimension of the Standard to Determining 'No Less Favourable Treatment' in Article 2 (1) of TBT Agreement
- 翻身:動員、反向民主與1937年陝甘寧邊區普選 Turning Over': Mobilization, the Adverse Order of Democratization and Free Election in Yanan 1937
- 法學與文學之間——約翰‧彼得‧黑貝爾文學中的法 Zwischen literatur und Recht--das Recht m der Literatur von Johann Peter Hebel
- 關於法學學術研究的宣導(四):認真對待比較法的基礎與可行性 Call for the Legal Academic Research (IV): Attention to the Comparative Law and the Study of Its Feasibility
- 《聯合國海洋法公約》實施中的若干新問題 Some New Issues in the Implementation of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea