管理資訊計算 Management Information Computing |
201410 (3:特刊期)期所有篇 |
- 我國宣告促進經濟成長之合作協定政策對股票市場的報酬與波動性影響 Government Announced the Impact of Enhancive Economic Growth Agreement Policy on Return and Volatility in Taiwan's Stock Market
- 債券到期收益率是否為一項領先指標? Is the Yield to Maturity of Bonds a Leading Indicator?
- 銀髮族無接縫旅遊之移動需求 The Study on the Demand of Seamless Travel Movement for Senior People
- 可變反光標記設計之研究 Feasibility Study of Changeable Pavement Markers
- 組織變革認知對員工工作士氣及工作績效影響之研究以K公司案為例 The Impact of Organizational Change on Staff’s Morale and Job Performance: The K Corporation as the Example
- 臺灣高速公路設置大客車專用道之研究 Exclusive Bus Lanes on Highway: Case Study in Taiwan
- 晶圓製造廠控擋片供給與需求之研究 The Supply and Demand of Control/Dummy Wafer in a Semiconductor Fab
- 人身保全人員職能量表之建構與調查 The Development and Examination of Competence Inventory of Security Guards
- 《文創法》框架下的非營利文化事業與其困境 The Non-profit Cultural Institutions and its Predicament under the Frame of the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Act
- 運用QFD與TRIZ開發封裝用銅線製程參數 In the Development Process Parameter Apply to Encapsulation Wire-bonding with QFD and TRIZ
- 選才對策之探究:推甄面試教戰守則 Winning at the Recruitment and Selection Process: Expert Tips on Preparation and Interview Skills
- 情緒勞務孰輕孰重?探討工作壓力對情緒勞務之影響 Whose Emotional Labor Is Heavier? The Study of Job Stress Effects on Emotional Labor
- 中小型烘焙業經營管理策略之研究--以TOP烘培房為例 The Study on Business Management Strategies in Small and Medium Baking Industry – A Case Study of TOP Bakery in Hualien County
- 利用滾動無偏灰色模型預測甲烷排放量:以台灣為例 Using Rolling Unbiased Grey Model to Forecast CH4 Emission in Taiwan
- 主管不當督導對部屬的工作壓力與工作倦怠影響之研究--以空軍司令部勤務中隊為對象 The Effects of Abusive Supervision on Subordinates' Job Stress and Burnout―A Survey in Air Command Squadron Duty, ROC Air Force Command
- 應用地價變遷分析地價基準地空間分布--以臺南市安南區為例 Applying Land Prices Change to Analyze Land Value Benchmark Spatial Allocation - Case Study for Annan District of Tainan City
- 運用實驗設計法探討製程因子--以CNC加工機為例 A Study of the Use of Experimental Design Process Factors for CNC Machine Case
- 反彈道飛彈防空模型之探索 An Exploration of Anti-ballistic Missile Air Defense System
- 整合專利迴避、QFD與TRIZ於新產品設計之研究 A Study of the Process of New Product Design — Integrating the Patent Design Around, QFD and TRIZ
- 田口方法在Chip on Film引脚壓合成型精度改善之應用 Applied Taguchi Method to Improve Lead Bonding Accuracy of Chip on Film
- 以混合演化式演算法處理最佳化多目標合成氣體問題 A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for Multi - Objective Optimization of Synthesis Gas Production
- 智慧型手機對使用者人際與心理影響之研究 Research of the Impact on the Interpersonal and Psychological of Smartphone Users
- 上市櫃電子公司購併與分割宣告效果之研究 The Study of Announcement Effects of M&A and Spin-offs in Taiwan Listed and OTC Electronic Firms
- 消費者油電混合車知覺價值對購買意願影響之研究 A Study of the Influence of Consumer Perceived Value on Purchase Intention-A Case of Hybrid Car
- COG Bonding失效之改善過程探討 Explore the Process of Improvement COG Bonding Failure
- 應用六標準差與FMEA提昇鋁壓鑄件之良率 Applying the Six Sigma Approach and FMEA to Increase the Aluminum Casting Process Yield
- 國軍老舊營舍耐震補強工法的評估 The Evaluation of Seismic Retrofitting Methods on the Existing Army Camp
- 開發顯示器的品質因子初探 A Preliminary Study of Quality Factors of Display System Design
- 先進規劃排程系統應用於記憶體模組廠測試產能之研究 The Scheduling Study of Testing Memory Module by Using Advanced Planning and Scheduling System
- 以全面品質管理模式應用於企業安全文化之研究--以某電子科技業為例 The Study of Corporate Safety Culture by Using Total Quality Management Model - A Case Study of Electronic Company
- 結合體感辨識與觸發器運用於角色動畫之研究 A Study of Combining Somatosensory Technology and Trigger Applied in Character Animation
- 網拍族群ATM使用頻率與知覺風險之研究 The Study on Online Auction for Using Frequency of Web ATM and Perceived Risk
- 使用熵權和改進FAHP法評估圖書館的服務品質 Evaluation on Service Quality of C-YU Library Based on Entropy Weight and Improved Fuzzy AHP
- 田口方法在拉球測試參數最佳化的應用 Applied Taguchi Method in Optimal Parameter for Ball Pull Test
- 策略性情緒下的市場績效 Market Performance under Strategic Sentiment
- 基於信息熵與AHP的雞籠節慶文化活動服務行銷模糊綜合評價研究 Study on Fuzzy Integrative Evaluation of the Keelung Festival Cultural Event Service Marketing Based on Entropy and AHP
- 定期定額與定期不定額投資產業龍頭股之策略研究 The Study of Taking the Strategies of Dollar Cost Averaging and Value Averaging on Investing in the Leading Stocks Taiwan
- 應用重要滿意度分析改善選民服務品質 An Application of Importance Performance Analysis to Improve Service Quality of Voters
- 台灣大型集團企業經營績效之財務指標採礦研究 Data Mining of Financial Indicators for Large Enterprise Groups in Taiwan