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The Supply and Demand of Control/Dummy Wafer in a Semiconductor Fab
作者 王榕欣王逸琦
Excellence of products and quickly meet market demand for the semiconductor factory is committed to achieving its goals. In order to enhance the yield of products, keeping process capability stabile and real-time tracing of products qualities is very important. The application of non-product wafers (control wafer and dummy wafer) is to stabilize the machines process capability, and as well as rapid response the process is abnormal or not, then reduce the loss of product wafers. However, the use of a large number of non-production wafers but it will lead to increased costs, so how to find the balance point between enhancing product yield and reducing the amount of control and dummy wafers is the great important issue in semiconductor manufacturing. There are grade distribution of control and dummy wafers, and the different machines and processes need to different wafers to be used. After the wafers have been used by tools, they must enter to reclaim station to clean and re-grade the grading by there own clean degree. The purpose of this research is to develop a Linear Programming Model to optimize the distribution of control and dummy wafers after finishing the clean and regrading of the reclaim station based on the different grade demand of each process. And verifying the model by lingo software can effective minimize the new wafer start quantities and decrease the total cost by case study.
起訖頁 87-99
關鍵詞 控擋片Treynor指標回收站等級分配線性規劃Control WaferDummy WaferReclaim StationGrade DistributionLP (Linear Programming)
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201410 (3:特刊期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣高速公路設置大客車專用道之研究
該期刊-下一篇 人身保全人員職能量表之建構與調查




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