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Feasibility Study of Changeable Pavement Markers
作者 黃燦煌高聖龍楊智傑
This study combines elements of pavement markers into the changeable pavement marker modules, involving the concept of lane position and right of way on the one transportation facilities to reduce the judgment upon more than one transportation facilities in the same time. The changeable pavement markers are designed base on the existing traffic rule, which basically can be divided into three modules, the first is a double green pavement markers, which be used at the left and right lanes both are accessible, and be used as the lane boundary to avoid the driver deviates from the current driving lane. The second module is red and yellow pavement markers, which be used at left side of a forward or reverse central divided lanes, and be used as temporary allocating of lanes, etc. The third module is green and white pavement markers, which be used at the right side of lanes to segment the road and shoulder, to avoid the driver deviates from the lane. The road testing results of study, can find the second module and third module probably because the interaction of colors during the day, the distance which can be clearly identified, just about 15 meters, which can reach the bottom criteria, the others of testing cases are more than 20 meters.
起訖頁 46-53
關鍵詞 可變反光標記可行性研究交通管制Changeable Pavement MarkersFeasibility StudyTraffic Controlling
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201410 (3:特刊期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 銀髮族無接縫旅遊之移動需求
該期刊-下一篇 組織變革認知對員工工作士氣及工作績效影響之研究以K公司案為例




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