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Study on Fuzzy Integrative Evaluation of the Keelung Festival Cultural Event Service Marketing Based on Entropy and AHP
作者 郭信霖李素惠
服務行銷的好壞是衡量節慶文化活動水準的重要指標之一。對節慶文化活動服務行銷進行準確的評估有利於提高節慶文化活動的服務行銷。本文依Jago & Shaw(1998)的評價思路,在分析節慶文化活動服務行銷影響因素的基礎上,並提供了把主觀和客觀權重相結合的節慶文化活動服務行銷的模糊綜合評價方法,構建了雞籠節慶文化活動服務行銷評價指標體系。利用模糊數學對不確定性問題有效處理方法,採用熵(Entropy)和層級分析(AHP)相結合的方法,充分挖掘原始資料本身蘊涵的信息,計算出各評價指標的組合權重向量,使結果更為客觀,並以實例說明加以論證。
The service marketing measures one of the important signs that the level of the festival cultural event. The people carry on the accurate evaluation of festival cultural events service marketing that can help to improve special event service marketing. According to inspire by Jago & Shaw(1998), this paper provides a fuzzy integrative evaluation method for the subject special event service marketing, which combines the subjective weight with the objective weight. Used the fuzzy mathematics to the effective treatment method of the uncertain problem, and calculated for combined weight coefficient by integrating information entropy with AHP, which makes the evaluation more objective. The algorithm is very convenient and easily applicable in practice. Finally, an example is given to show the application of the proposed method.
起訖頁 449-457
關鍵詞 熵權層級分析(AHP)服務行銷模糊綜合評價Entropy WeightAnalytic hierarchy process (AHP)Service MarketingFuzzy Integrative Evaluation
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201410 (3:特刊期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 策略性情緒下的市場績效
該期刊-下一篇 定期定額與定期不定額投資產業龍頭股之策略研究




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