遠距網絡課程滿意度之調查研究~以嶺南師範學院為例 Investigation and research on the satisfaction of distance network courses-taking Lingnan NormalCollege as example
過度矯正策略對自閉症兒童亂吐口水行為成效研究 Study on the effects of overcorrection strategies on disorderly spitting behavior in autistic children
湛江市特殊兒童教育復健政策之研究 Research on the Education and Rehabilitation Policy of Special Children in Zhanjiang City
隨機教學對中度智力障礙兒童自發性口語溝通行為之成效研究 Study on the effect of Incidental Teaching on the spontaneous oral communication behavior of children with moderate intelligence disorders
功能性行為評估及介入對腦性麻痺兒童課堂離座行為的影響 The Effect of Functional Assessment and Intervention on Classroom off-seat Behavior of Children with cerebral palsy
兒童認知發展測驗應用在廣東省鑑定安置可行性之研究初探 The application of the Nonverbal Cognitive Abilities Test was the pilot study of the feasibility of identifying placement in Guangdong Province.
淺談特教教師應用科技進行課程調整與教學設計之素養 The Technology Integrating into Curriculum Adaptation and Teaching Design- Technological Literacy of Special Education Teachers
實習見習課程對特殊教育學系學生專業知能習得之研究~以嶺南師範學院為例 Study on the professional knowledge and acquisition of special education students in the internship course:A case study of Lingnan Normal University