中山大学法律评论 Sun Yat-sen University Law Review |
201405 (12:1期)期所有篇 |
- 多重被徵收人模式的開啟──寫在《集體土地徵收與補償條例》制定之際 The Activation of Multiple Levied People's Mode: Before the Enactment of 'Regulation on the Expropriation of Collectively-owned Land and Compensation'
- 政府徵收的產權保護規則──兼評《國有土地上房屋徵收與補償條例》 The Property Protection Rules of Eminent Domain: With some Comments on 'Expropriation and Compensation Ordinance for Housings on the State-owned Lands'
- 農村土地承包經營權轉讓合同的效力 Validity of Contracts regarding Transfer of Managerial Right of Contracting Land in Rural China
- 集體建設用地使用權的物權法構建 The Construction on the Rights to the Use of Collective Constructional Land m the Property Law
- 論基層信訪程序的終結 The Finish of the Procedure of Letter and Visit in Local Level
- 民法研究的心理學實驗路徑 Psychological Experimental Study of Civil Law Theories
- 污染者負擔原則對環境公共利益的保護 Polluter Pay Principle and Environmental Public Interest Protection
- 假定壟斷者測試關於相關產品市場界定思路之修正──以奇虎360訴騰訊濫用市場支配地位糾紛案為例 A Modified Way to Define Relative Products and Relative Markets by SSNIP: Study of Abuse of Market Dominance with the Case of QiHu 360 vs Tencent QQ
- 規則的多重含義──基於法律語言的實踐性視角 The Study On Multiple Meanings of The Rule: From the Perspective of Practices of Legal Language
- 規避“人工島嶼陷阱":海洋島礁的“經濟生活"概念及海洋旅遊的特殊價值 To Avoid the 'Artificial Island Trap': An Analysis of the' Economic Life' Concept under the UNCLOS Article 121 ( 3 ) and the Special Value of Marine Tourism
- 法律規範性:承認規則及其檢討 Normativity of Law: Rule of Recognition and Its Critics
- “土地徵收”概念的中國源起──以民國時期'土地徵收'概念的演變與發展為中心 The Origin of the Land Expropriation Concept in China: The Era of the Republic of China