202207 (107期)期所有篇 |
- 參與偏鄉中小學新擴建中央廚房計畫所帶來的幾點看法 Some views brought by participating in the project of new expansion plans for a central kitchen of primary and junior high schools in rural areas
- 推動偏鄉學校中央廚房計劃執行之課題與建議 Issues and suggestions for promoting the implementation of the central kitchen project in rural schools
- 推動偏鄉學校中央廚房計畫的中區輔導歷程 The central district consulting process of promoting the central kitchen project in rural schools
- 談建築專業實踐──以偏鄉中小學廚房新擴建計畫為例 Talking about the professional practice of architecture - Taking the new expansion plan for a central kitchen of primary and junior high schools in rural areas as an example
- 學術單位輔導角色的時代演進──以偏鄉中小學廚房新擴建計畫為例 The evolution of the academic unit's consulting role--Taking the new expansion plan for a central kitchen of the primary and junior high schools in rural areas as an example
- 日本推動食育教育之學校給食設施改善機制 Mechanism for improving school lunch facilities in Japan to promote food education
- 食的設計──透過食物設計淺談食農教育 Food Design - Brief talk about agri-food education through food design
- 尋找校園廚房中的建築靈光 Finding architectural aura in campus kitchens
- 中央廚房的設備計畫,常忘記設計另一半!廚房空間用之空調換氣.給排水設備與建築設計並行之實務觀點 The equipment plan of the central kitchen often forgets to design the other half! Air conditioning ventilation for kitchen space Practical point of view on parallelism of water supply/drainage equipment and architectural design
- 一年陪伴──回首偏鄉學校中央廚房之輔導 One-year partnership - Looking back at the consulting role for the central kitchen of rural schools
- 陪伴與整合之路──金門縣中小學廚房新建記 The road of partnership and integration, the new construction of kitchens in primary and junior high schools of Kinmen County
- 試論食農教育建築的想像──以溪埔國中與燕巢國中中央廚房新建工程設計為例 On the concept of agri-food education buildings-Taking the design of the new central kitchens of Sipu junior high School and Yan-Chao junior high School as an example
- 從食農到中央廚房From Hakka Kitchen to Edible Campus.談高雄市南隆國中新建中央廚房之規劃設計 From Hakka Kitchen to Edible Campus. - Talking about the planning and design of the new central kitchen of Nanlong junior high schools in Kaohsiung
- 原斗國中小新建中央廚房──融入自然的動態博物館 Newly-built central kitchen in Yuandou Junior High & Elementary School - a dynamic museum integrated into nature
- 偏鄉學校中央廚房的設計淺談──從雲林縣口湖鄉文光國小的經驗談起 A brief discussion on the design of a central kitchen in a rural school, starting from the experience of Wen Guang Elementary School in Kouhu Township, Yunlin County
- 中小學廚房計劃於設計及工程階段之反思與回饋 Re‑ection and feedback on the design and engineering stage of the central kitchen project in rural schools
- 「偏鄉學校中央廚房輔導計畫」的參與經驗及建議 Participation experience and suggestions of ' the central kitchen project in rural schools '
- 推動偏鄉學校中央廚房輔導計畫──參與輔導經驗及建議 Promote the central kitchen consulting program in rural schools-- Experience and suggestions of participating in consulting
- 「餐育式」教育:美味的學習場域 Catering Style' Education: A delicious learning eld
- 經驗與選擇 Experience and choice
- 歷史「轉譯」vs.「再造」歷史 Re-interpretation vs. Re-presentation