華人前瞻研究 Journal of Chinese Trend and Forward |
200905 (5:1期)期所有篇 |
- 1996-2006中國經濟政策演變之研究 The Study of the Changes of China's Economic Policies during 1996-2006
- 使用者經驗對物業管理系統接受度之調節效果:多樣本結構方程模型之應用 A Moderating Effect of User Usage's Experience on Acceptance for tbe Property Management System: Application of Multi-group Strucíural Equation Modeling
- 我國特定農產品(香菇)取消關稅配額後產業損害預期致果之研析 AStudy Of Cutting Tariff Quota and Its Expect Effects on the Industrial Damage of Specific Farm Products-Mushroom in Taiwan
- 以紮根理論探討跨國企業海外直銷人員銷售知識建立之研究--台灣三大跨國公司實證 The Research of Grounded Theory in Building Sales Knowledge for Overseas Direct Sellers -- A Taiwan Case
- 會計師事務所競爭策略之研究--組織生態論點 Competition Strategy of Accounting Industry inTaiwan : Perspective of Organizational Ecology
- 大學生衝動性購買行為前因後果的探索性研究 An Experimental Study on Impulsive Consumer Buying and Consequences in Consumer Decision Making among Taiwan's Young People
- 不同情境之下的銀行監理制度 Bank Regulation under Various Scenarios
- 民間消費支出對台灣經濟影響之分析 An Analysis on the Effects of Consumption Expenditure on Taiwan Macroeconomics
- 85度C連鎖咖啡創辦人的創業精神、創業機會與競爭優勢之探索性個案研究 A Case Study of 85 Degree Coffee Chain Stores on Enterpreneurship, Opportunities and Its Competition Advantage
- 團隊成員個體外顯特徵與內隱變項對知識創新之影響--知識網絡結構洞的中介效果 The Impact of Team Member's Explicit Demography and Tacit Social Capital on Knowledge Innovation -- The Mediating Effect of the Structural Holes of Knowledge Network
- 台灣實施,離農年金保險之經濟放益 A Study on the Economic Effect of Farm Pension Insurance in Taiwan
- IT產業、知識經濟與總要素生產力--美國經濟發展之啟示 The Impl ication of U. S. Economic Development on IT Industry, Knowledge-based Economy and Total Factor Productivity
- 專利侵權訴訟中訴松標的價額之核定 Decision of Litigation Object Fees in Patent Infringement Litigation
- 管理者固守職位與股利決策之台灣實證研究 Managerial Entrenchment Hypothesis and Dividend Policy: An Empirical Analysis in Taiwan
- 有關手段功能用語申請專利範圍之法律適用--兼論智慧財產法院98年度民專上易字3號民事判決 Proper Laws and Regulations for the Claims of Patent Application for Means-Plus-Function Language -- Concurrent Discussion on Civil Decision of 2009 Min-Zhllan-Shang-Yi-Zi N o. 3 Made by Intellectual Property
- 女性思維與行銷策略之研究--女性創業家為例 The study of contemporary feminine thinking and marketing strategies as example of successful women entrepreneurs in Taiwan