202311 (2023:6期)期所有篇 |
- 論特別行政區制度建設的政理.法理.憲理 The Political, Legal, and Constitutional Theories of Construction System of Special Administrative Regions
- 數字政府建設中數字化與法治化的融合 Integrating Digitalization and Legalization in Digital Government Construction
- 《外國國家豁免法》的司法功能與話語功能 The Judicial and Discourse Functions of the Foreign State Immunity Law
- 老齡化背景下《民法典》監護人責任構成的規範解釋 Normative Interpretation Concerning Guardian Responsibility Constitution in the Civil Code under the Background of Aging
- 設立人信義義務理論的引入與展開──《民法典〉第75條的解釋論 Introduction and Development of the Theory of Institutor's Obligation to Trust──On the Interpretation of Article 75 of the Civil Code
- 論數據犯罪的雙層法益 On Dual Legal Benefits in Data Crimes
- 論算法歧視消費者的侵權責任認定──基於司法裁判的實證考察 The Determination of Tort Liability for Algorithm Discrimination Against Consumers──Empirical Study Based on Judicial Judgment
- 知識産權法學私法研究範式的展開 The Private Law Expansion Research Paradigm in Intellectual Property Law
- 認罪認罰案件中的無罪辯護 Not Guilty Defense in Admitting Crime and Punishment Cases
- 暫緩判決程序探究──程序出罪理論的新探索 Exploration of the Procedure for Suspending Judgment: A New Inquiry into the Theory of Procedural Decriminalization
- 家族相似性:民事訴訟法法典化的邏輯與技術 Family Similarity: The Logic and Technology on Civil Procedure Law Codification
- 中國傳統家長權到近代親權之衍變:一個比較法律史的考察 The Evolution of Chinese Traditional Parental Power to Modern Kinship: A Comparative Legal History Study
- 論國際生物安全損害法律救濟模式的完善 The Improvement of the Legal Relief Model for International Biosafety Damage