202305 (2023:3期)期所有篇 |
- 當代中國人權的人學基礎 The Humanistic Foundation of Human Rights in Contemporary China
- 排除非法證據的制度反思 Institutional Reflection Concerning Excluding Illegal Evidence
- 我國貿易反制措施的國內法依據:構建與完善 Domestic Legal Basis for China's Retaliatory Trade Measures: Construction and Improvement
- 反壟斷法促進數字平台創新的法經濟學分析 Anti-Monopoly Law Promoting Digital Platform Innovation: A Law and Economic Analysis
- 數據驅動型併購中隱私損害的反壟斷審查 Antitrust Review of Privacy Damage in Data Driven Mergers and Acquisitions
- 基因科技倫理的法理劃界:以人權為中心展開 Legal Delimitation of Gene Technology Ethics: A Human Rights Perspective
- 我國合憲性審查銜接聯動機制的構建 The Construction of the Liaison Mechanism for the Constitutional Review in China
- 襲警罪中“暴力”要素認定的泛化與教義學限縮 The Generalization and Doctrinal Limitation on the Identification of ''Violence'' Elements in the Crime of Assassinating Police
- 算法“監護”未成年人的規範應對 Regulatory Response to Algorithm ''Guardianship'' of Minors
- 論國有企業的人民性目標及其治理機制 People's Goals of State-Owned Enterprises and Its Governance Mechanisms
- 單位負責人變更情形下限高對象的確定 Determination of the Person Restricted Extravagant Spending in Case of Changing the Head of Enterprises
- 認罪認罰案件確定刑量刑建議的法理反思 Legal Reflection on the Suggestion of Determining and Measuring Sentencing in Cases of Confessing Crime and Admitting Punishment
- 《司法例規》的編纂與近代中國法律彙編的意義 The Codification of Judicial Regulations and the Significance of Law Compilation in Modern China