台灣原住民族研究學報 Journal of The Taiwan Indigenous Studies Association
201806 (8:2期)期所有篇
拉丁美洲原住民族諮商同意權──南美洲安地斯地區的相關法令觀察 Latin American Aboriginal Prior Consultation Rights: Observations of decrees relevant in the Andean Region
公法眼中的所謂法律不可追溯--談「諮商、同意或參與」規定是否適用於亞泥公司採礦權展限申請 Non-Retroactivity Principle through Lens of Public Law: Focusing on the Application of “Consultation, Consent, or Participation” Rule to Asia Cement Corporation's Mining Right Extension
論實踐諮商同意機制之困境--以花東議題為例 The Dilemma of the Practice in Consult and Consent: The Case of Hualien-Taitung