人倫之情、尊卑之序:由漢文劍客小說中「君臣」、「父子」論日治臺灣忠孝觀的建立 The Affection in the Five Cardinal Relationships and the Order of Social Hierarchy: A Research on the Establishment of Loyalty and Filial Piety Principle in the Chinese Swordsman Novels during the Period of Japanese Rule of Taiwan
試論姚琮《味筍齋詩鈔》的詩學關懷與離散書寫 The Discussion on the Writing of Relocating to Taiwan and Poetics in Yao Cong’s Wei Sun Zhai Shi Chao
「悟」於「無曲」:牟宗三與「水滸境界」 Comprehend One’s Straightforwardness: Mou Tsungsan and“the State of The Water Margin”
蔡元培與泡爾生「非理性思想」的譯介以《倫理學原理》為中心 Cai Yuanpei and His Translation of Friedrich Paulsen’s Counter-Reason Thoughts: A Study on Principles of Ethics
南洋風起:《南洋研究》與《南洋情報》的地誌書寫 The Rise of Nanyang Studies: Topography Writings in Nanyang Yanjiu and Nanyang Qingbao (1928-1944)
中國與西方的史學和史詩――人間故事構思方式的差異研究(譯文) History and Epics in China and in the West: A Study of Differences in Conception of the Human Story
評介黃河清主編《近現代漢語辭源》――兼論中德詞源學詞典的比較:以「革命」為例 Book Review: A Critical Introduction of Huang Heqing’s“Etymological Dictionary of Modern Chinese,”Including a Comparative Discussion of Two German Etymological Dictionaries, Taking“Revolution”as an Example