穿梭社會與自我之間《愛情決勝點》、《花神咖啡館》中的婚約與情變 Shuttle between Society and Self《The Match Point》and《Caféde Flore as Examples》Observation of the Process of Splitting-up and Affairs
珍‧奧斯汀小說的社會關懷 Jane Austen's Novels of Social Concern
數位音樂在音樂教學上的運用──以弦樂器教學為例 The Application of Digital Music in Music Teaching - A Study of String Instrument Teaching
令人困窘的權柄:波普《論人》中「一言堂信念」與「多重音言談」之衝突 Embarrassing Authority: The Conflict between Pope's Monologic Belief and Polyphonic Discourse in An Essay on Man
投機或被利用「政建協會」、蔣渭川與「228」 Speculation or Be Exploitation: Taiwan Political Construction Association, Chiang Wei-Chuan and“228”Uprising
蔣維喬居士在北京──與佛教相關的活動(1917-1922) Mr. Jiang Weiqiao in Beijing: A Lay Buddhist and His Buddhismrelated Activities (1917-1922)