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Hakka Study in Japan
作者 伊藤幹彥
Manabu Nakagawa's paper explored the research in Japan Hakkaology by a historical approach. Manabu Nakagawa's doctrine advocates that we should study Hakka origin by the history, political science, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, epidemiology and other academic areas of the interdisciplinary. Manabu Nakagawa advocates from heavy research of Hakka nasopharyngeal carcinoma research, criticism of the pure northern Han doctrine, and that Southern Ethnic Groups of women maternal cases were the origin of the Hakka. Manabu Nakagawa thinks Hakka were of the Shao nationality descent in the south Chinese minority. Masahisa Segawa's paper is a description of the Hakka people in Japan using the approach of cultural anthropology. Masahisa Segawa criticizes Luo Xianglin's Hakka studies that use the concept of paternal China genealogy. Ward's Tanka study was by the oral tradition. Segawa Masahisa using Ward's Tanka, try to clarify Hakka Identity. Tai Kuo-hui's thesis is the first study of the approach of the academic discourse of history in Japan-Hakka history. Tai Kuo-hui criticized the General Staff Headquarters,“Taiwan Hakka is a Cantonese”doctrine. Tai Kuo-hui used Takuji Ogawa's“Taiwan Hakka was from Guangdong“doctrine. Tai Kuo-hui also used Takuji Ogawa's doctrine“Advocates was from the Fujian Tingzhou to Taiwan Hakka“. Cai lin's papers research the sociology of the Hakka-Chinese in Japan by first using a sociological approach. Hakka was born from a SAN-HAK and escaped out of a SANHAK and thrived in the Tingjiang and Meijiang basins because of the unique geographical environment and regional economic results. In other words, Hakka and Hakka culture is a product of the Tingjiang, Meijiang two watersheds in the vicinity of the unique geographical environment and regional economy. Noriko Iijima's thesis was the Japanese first sociology of Hakka studies by sociological approach. Noriko Iijima first useed the name“Hakka”. Gutzlaf introduced“Hakka”in the 1830s, afterwards the Chinese bureaucracy in the 1850s wrote about the existence of the“Kumin”, and“Hakka”, then in the 1920s Hong Kong and Southeast Asia started using the name“Hakka”. Originally, Hakka studies in Japan used history, cultural anthropology, and sociology methods, including an interdisciplinary approach to research from different fields. Hakka studies in Japan, will continue to use interdisciplinary research methods, such as the method of sociology, history, cultural anthropology and wide-ranging studies.
起訖頁 295-322
關鍵詞 客家學科際整合的研究方法社會學的方法歷史學的方法文化人類學的方法Hakkaologyinterdisciplinary research methodsthe method of sociologythe method of historythe method of cultural anthropology
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201703  (6期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 高屏客家地區敬字文化──以敬字亭為中心之實徵研究
該期刊-下一篇 大學生命教育的課程面向與教學結構




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