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The Curriculum Angles and Teaching Structure of Life Education in the University
作者 陳復
If life education is part of general core curriculum in the university, the course content outlined by the lecturer must be able to response to the problems which a university student may encounter and provide prerequisite thinking for problemsolving. In my opinion, these problems can be categorized into five main dimensions:“character education”,“environmental education”,“relative education”,“academic education”and“career education”. The latter three kinds of education belong in the domain of“practical education”, entailing“external life education”;“character education”and“environmental education”belong in the domain of“concept education”, entailing“internal life education”. We could have a set of meticulous reflection pattern and practical strategies if we synthesize concepts and practices, i.e. to follow the guidance of“character education”and“environmental education”and on the practical level, to apply them to the issues with regards to the university curriculum (academic education), affection, love, teacher-student relation and friendship of student life and the career issue after graduation (career education). It can be seen as the synthesization of the two goals“inner sageliness and outer kingliness”. With the intention of clarifying the content of structure for teaching and putting forth a specific solution for the execution of life education courses, I cross-referenced the five dimensions of education so as to observe my several-years-long experience of lecturing on life education at university. I draw a conclusion from my experience, thereby obtaining the concepts of the five structures for teaching. Finally, it can be pointed out that the connotation of life education should transform from“single valued moral education”to“multiple cognitive ethic education”. It is also necessary to treat the three life goals as benchmark so that we can prevent people from falling into the trap of moral nihilism. It can avoid hindering the overall progress of human society.
起訖頁 323-345
關鍵詞 生命教育課程面向教學結構多元認知共善的人生Life educationdimension of curriculumstructure for teachingmultiple cognitivelife of common good
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201703  (6期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 日本客家研究
該期刊-下一篇 提升台灣大學生使用英語溝通之意願




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