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Speculation or Be Exploitation: Taiwan Political Construction Association, Chiang Wei-Chuan and“228”Uprising
作者 馮美瑜陳正茂
In August, 1945, Japan surrendered, after Taiwan was under Japanese ruling for 50 years, Taiwan finally returned to China. In the early postwar era, Taiwan's political elites was oppressed for so long, and the enthusiasm toward politics once again was ignited, they assembled all the old comrades, prepared to reconstruct the organization during the Japan rule. Then the political groups have two species: right-wing and leftwing, they all participated in elections and attempted to fund party groups to expand their political influence. At that time, Chiang Wei-Chuan was the right-wing leader, they set up“Taiwan Political Construction Association,”for their participation in politics associations. But unfortunately during the“228”Uprising, many learders in the association very was killed by Chen Yi, and Chiang Wei-Chuan had been suspected to be a speculator and was used by Chen Yi. This paper mainly discussed the whole story of the early recovery Taiwan Political Construction Association Chiang Wei-Chuan and their intricate relationship in“228”Uprising.
起訖頁 161-183
關鍵詞 「政建協會」「228」事件蔣渭川陳儀「三青團」CC派“Taiwan Political Construction Association''“228'' UprisingChiang Wei-ChuanChen Yi“San-min chu-i Youth corps''CC factions
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201703  (6期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 令人困窘的權柄:波普《論人》中「一言堂信念」與「多重音言談」之衝突
該期刊-下一篇 蔣維喬居士在北京──與佛教相關的活動(1917-1922)




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