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Shuttle between Society and Self《The Match Point》and《Caféde Flore as Examples》Observation of the Process of Splitting-up and Affairs
作者 胡正文
This essay aims to examine the interaction between genders and the change of their relationships in the conditions of marriage, splitting up, and affairs from the perspectives of social construction with the movies The Match Point and Caféde Flore as examples. When analyzing the plots of these movies, the author discusses the dialogs and scenes in the movies in two ways: explicit manifestations and implications. In addition to comparing and contrasting with the literature review, the time, space, symbols, logic, and perspectives in the movies will be deciphered in the form of narration, bringing out the rich messages encoded in the movies with deduction means to expose their core concepts. Interpreting the textual consciousness of the movies, it also emphasizes on the interpretation of the situational context to explore their authentic meanings. The essays falls into three parts: first, the exploration of the lament of love by different people in different“social strata”and“classes”; second, the observation of the process of“splitting up and affairs”from the perspective of the nightmare of marriage; and third, with the theories of“theater metaphor”and“symbol interaction”it explains the intrigues between men and women. Likewise, the purposes of this research are: 1. Consider the interrelationships between men and women from the reality reflected in movies; 2. Guide the students to examine the gender issues and the re-presentation of ideology in the milieu of social construction in the movies; and 3. Allow the students to understand the movies consciousness and the context and meaning of social development communicated through them.
起訖頁 67-89
關鍵詞 社會建構婚姻外遇社會脈絡電影情境Affairsmarriagemovie situationsocial contextsocial construction
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 201703  (6期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 熱的文本、冷的影像:《刺客攝隱娘》的影像與書寫
該期刊-下一篇 珍‧奧斯汀小說的社會關懷




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