201206 (9期)期所有篇 |
- 白玉蟾丹道心法
- 新住民學童科學學習課程規劃與實施之行動研究 An Action Research on the Curriculum Planning and Implementation of Science Learning for New Children of Taiwan
- 通識英語課程設計:寫作探索 General English Curriculum Design : Writing Exploring
- 美國教師成長與評鑑系統兼論臺灣教師專業發展評鑑 Discoursing the Teacher Growth and Assessment system (TGA) in U. S. and the Teachers Evaluation for Profession Development (TEPD) in Taiwan
- 日本殖民台灣時期統治政策之演變 Policy evolution of Taiwan under Japanese rule
- 高中職學生國防通識態度與公民意識、組織公民行為關係之研究--以嘉義市為例 The High School and Vocational High School Students' General Education of National Defense, Civic Consciousness and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Case Study of Chiayi City
- 技職教育師培生的職業認知與生涯選擇之研究 The Relationship between Vocational Awareness and Career Decision-making for Preservice Teachers in the Vocational and Technological Education
- 「老子道德經憨山注」「以禪解老」之詮釋模式與通識教育啟示 A Research of Han-Shan's Interpretal Modalities and Extensional Revelations about General Education - Focus on'Han-Shan' Scholiums upon Lao-Tzu'
- 環境倫理--初探道路建設對路域生態的影響及野生動物通道設置的意義 Environmental Ethics - The Study of Influence of Road Construction upon the Natural Ecosystem and Wildlife Passage
- 探究英文教師在口語評量所扮演的角色隱喻 English Teachers' Metaphors about Their Roles in Oral Language Assessment
- 孔顏樂處及其對人格教育的啟示 Confucius & Yen Hui's spirit joy and its enlightenment at personality education
- 「瀛寰志略」之寫作思想研究 A Study in Investigating the Book of Huan Ing Zhi Lue in The Perspective of Writing Thoughts
- 環境識覺之問卷實施方法探究 Questionnaire Survey Method on Environmental Perception