中文摘要 |
本研究指在探究通識英語課程與英語寫作探索活動結合之課程設計,並藉由實際教學來檢視其實施成效。本通識英語寫作探索課程設計希望能協助通識英語教育學生,藉由一系列的寫作探索活動來提升英語寫作能力及增進經典文學的知識。本課程由淺至深的寫作課程設計,藉由建構經典人物的過程中,不斷反覆辯證,除培養其逐步建構寫作檔案能力外,也可藉由經典人物來增進文化學習的能力。經由一學期具體實施後,本課程達成以下教學成效:(一)課程內容方面:89.1%同學表示本英語寫作探索課程內容豐富。(二)授課教師方面:對於老師教學方法,92.7%同學表示滿意。(三)個人學習方面:63.6%同學認為寫作探索對個人學習有幫助,18.2%同學認為寫作探索對個人學習有極佳的幫助。(四)英語寫作方面:58.1%的同學贊成寫作探索對個人英語寫作有幫助;25.5%同學認為寫作探索對個人英語寫作有極佳的幫助。(五)經典文化學習方面:34.5%同學非常贊同寫作探索幫助了解經典文化,47.3%同學贊同寫作探索幫助了解經典文化。因此本課程設計不僅提供通識英文學習者一連串有規劃的英語學習課程,也提供通識英語教師課程設計多面向的參考。This study aims to explore and examine the effects of the curriculum design integrated General English with Writing Exploring activities. Through a series of planned Writing Exploring activities, this course hopes to improve the General English learners' English writing abilities and to cultivate their knowledge in learning classic literature. During the writing process, the learners not only construct their own writing portfolios actively, but also cultivate their culture learning. After one semester of curriculum implementation, this course obtains the following results: (1) course curriculum: there are 89.1% students who indicate that this English Writing Exploring is rich in curriculum content; (2) course teacher: 92.7% students are satisfied with the teaching method; (3) aspects of learning: 63.6% students think this curriculum can help them in learning, and 18.2% students agree this point very much; (4) aspects of English learning: 58.1% students support that the English Writing Exploring can help them in writing, and 25.5% students much agree this point; (5) aspects of culture learning: 34.5% students much agree this curriculum can help them to understand classic culture, and 47.3% students agree this point. To sum up, this curriculum design not only supplies General English learners a series of well-planned English activities, but also provides General English teachers significant information in curriculum design. |