中文摘要 |
關新住民學童學習表現和學習成就的研究已受國內教育行政單位和研究人員的重視,其中對新住民學童學習表現和學習成就的研究大多偏重於語文學習領域和數學學習領域,對科學學習領域的探討相對較少。本研究以行動研究為方法,其目的在於規劃適合新住民學童科學學習的課程並進行教學活動。課程規劃係融合「創意思考教學模式」(creative thinking instruction model,CTIM)與「專案導向學習」(project-based learning,PBL)進行教學活動設計,以「科學小戰士」為主題,課程內容包含:1、我是神槍手;2、我的投石器;3、我也會搭橋;4、我也會煮蛋;5、追風大師等五個子題。課程規劃完成後,隨即請五位專家學者予以審查,並依學者的審查意見,修正課程教材。課程教材完成修正後,2011年8月於高雄市大同國小實施。教學活動採暑期創意科學挑戰營的方式進行,共有來自高雄市的51位新住民學童參加,參加對象分五組,配合五個子題進行任務學習活動,各組每一天進行一項任務學習活動,依序輪流學習,活動過程中亦開放學員尋找學習伙伴,以利小組合作學習及挑戰活動之進行。教學活動結束後,研究者對此項科學學習課程和教學活動,進一步提出課程規劃與教學實施的省思。The research on new Taiwan children's learning performance and learning achievement has been concerned by the educational administration authorities and many researchers. Among those studies, most were conducted in the areas of language learning and mathematics. On the contrary, the research on science learning was rare. The proposed study adopted the method of action research. Its purpose was to design the scientific curriculum proper for new children of Taiwan. The rationale of designing the scientific curriculum was based on 'creative thinking instruction model' and 'project-based learning'. The theme of the curriculum is 'science of small soldiers'. Under the themes, there are five sub-themes: (1) I am a sharpshooter; (2) my sling; (3) I can build a bridge; (4) I can boil the eggs, and (5) expelling wind from the master. After completing the planning of scientific curriculum, five experts were invited to review the curriculum material. The material was revised according to their comments. After revising the scientific curriculum, the instructional activities were then implemented in Kaohsiung Municipal Datong Elementary School in August, 2011. A total of 50 new children of Taiwan from Kaohsiung participated in the project, named 'A creative and scientific summer camp'. The 51 participants were divided into 5 groups. Each group took turns to carry out the activities related to the five sub-themes. In order to facilitate the process of cooperative learning and the completion of group activities, every participant was allowed to look for their study partners. After the completion of the activities, the reflection by the researcher was further proposed regarding the curriculum planning and instructional activities. |