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Confucius & Yen Hui's spirit joy and its enlightenment at personality education
作者 黃文樹 (Wen-Shu Huang)
孔顏樂處是儒家以道德修養所帶來的內心愉悅為至高快樂這種境界的代名詞。在宋明理學中,孔顏樂處更成了初學者立志,富貴者自警,窮乏者保持廉操的座右銘。孔顏樂處代表的是人的內心愉悅,人的主體自由,人的價值理想。它能夠激勵人們不畏艱苦的生活,不受惡劣環境的影響,去追求自己的道德理想、精神享受,進而推己及人,明道淑世。孔顏樂處對於人格教育的啟示有三:一是指引一條「和易無怨」的生活道路;二是建構一種「主體自由」的自主精神;三是樹立一個「樂道弘仁」的生命典範。Confucius' Yen Hui's spirit joy into the spirit of the Confucian emphasis on enjoyment, to morality brought joy to the heart of this realm synonymous with supreme happiness. In Neo-Confucianism, the spirit joy has become a beginner Confucius Department determined, since the police were rich, poor by maintaining clean operation motto. Confucius' Yen Hui's spirit joy represents a person's inner joy, freedom of the human subject, human values and ideals. It can inspire people despite the difficulties of life, free from adverse environmental impact, to pursue their own moral ideals, the spirit of enjoyment, and thus benefit the people, Ming righteous. In a nutshell, the Confucius' Yen Hui's spirit joy for personality education, inspiration, at least three: one, Confucius' Yen Hui's spirit joy for us to guide an 'easy no complaint,' the road of life; second, Confucius' Yen Hui's spirit joy for us to construct a 'subject's freedom'; third, Coufucius' Yen Hui's spirit joy for us to set a 'practice of humanitarian' life model.
起訖頁 233-259
關鍵詞 孔子顏回修養人格教育ConfuciusYen HuiSpirit joyCulturePersonality education
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201206 (9期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 探究英文教師在口語評量所扮演的角色隱喻
該期刊-下一篇 「瀛寰志略」之寫作思想研究




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