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English Teachers' Metaphors about Their Roles in Oral Language Assessment
作者 張瓊文
Based on the premise that teachers' beliefs about their professional roles are closely linked to the impact they have on the learning and achievement of their students, this study investigated teachers' beliefs about oral language assessment (OLA) through an analysis of metaphors. Ethnographic interviews were conducted with 13 teachers using a semi-structured approach. De Guerrero and Villamil's (2002) categories provided the framework for categorizing the interview transcripts. The analysis revealed seven over-arching metaphors associated with teachers' role as assessor, i.e. co-operative leader, nurturer, repairer, artist, military trainer, engineer, and water. Various metaphorical conceptualizations of the EFL teachers' experiences with OLA emerged. This study examined the extent to which teachers use metaphors and construct their own personal belief systems. The results reveal a complex process of appropriation and transformation in which teachers in a largely intact fashion adopt conventional metaphors. However, they do so with varying underlying conceptualizations reflecting differences in individual mappings across conceptual domains, influenced by both multiple social voices and personal teaching experience. The categories of metaphors highlight some of the aspects of oral language assessment that teacher educators need to attend to over the course of instruction. Implications are discussed for OLA practices based on the outcomes of this study, including recommendations for more future research into this disciplinary area.基於教師對於自己專業角色的信念與學生的學習與成就有著緊密相連的影響,本研究透過分析隱喻的方法來調查英文老師口語評量的信念。以民族誌式、半結構化的方法訪談13位大專校院英文老師。De Guerrero and Villamil's(2002)隱喻類別提供訪談紀錄的分類框架。不同隱喻概念化英文教師口語評量的經驗。分析顯示七個涵蓋範圍廣泛的隱喻與老師為評量者的角色有關:合作式的領導者、養育者、修護者、藝術家、軍事訓練師、工程師及水。結果顯示在信念轉變調適的複雜歷程中,老師依然採用慣例的隱喻。然而,他們對於口語評量有著不同的概念,這反映出教師教學信念的形成,同時受到多元化社會的聲音和個人的教學經驗的影響。這些隱喻類別凸顯出未來教師培育工作者在教學過程裡有關口語評量應該要加強的部分,也進一步提供國內英文教師口語評量實務、以及角色隱喻研究之參考。
起訖頁 209-231
關鍵詞 口語評量教師信念隱喻Oral language assessmentTeacher's beliefMetaphor
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201206 (9期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 環境倫理--初探道路建設對路域生態的影響及野生動物通道設置的意義
該期刊-下一篇 孔顏樂處及其對人格教育的啟示




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