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A Study in Investigating the Book of Huan Ing Zhi Lue in The Perspective of Writing Thoughts
作者 傅及光
本論文旨在探討清代徐繼畬所著《瀛寰志略》一書之寫作思想。徐繼畬與魏源、林則徐是同時代的思想家,也是啟蒙中國近代思想先驅之一,他所著之《瀛寰志略》為介紹外國歷史地理的一部著作,是清末中國人追求新知、力圖自強的重要啟蒙讀本之一,對促進中國近代思想,開闊視野起了很大的作用。在《瀛寰志略》一書中,徐繼畬對當時世界地理、西方文明以及對西方國家強弱形勢的考察,都有其獨到的見解,書中突顯出「中國文明」與「非中國文明」的差異性,並觸及到「西方長技」之外的歷史、文化、制度層面,廣泛介紹西方民主制度。超越當時其他地理著作──僅從物質層面介紹西方文化的層次。概要的向清末中國人,揭示了西方諸國的富強及其緣由,以及資本、工業社會的優越性。本文為研究晚清救亡圖存之思想基礎上而寫成之世界地理書籍《瀛環志略》,將其寫作背景、成書經過、晚清西學東漸思想、中西文化交流,作一全面探究。寫作方法以蒐集,徵引原文為主;並擷取其中融合中西史地書籍之寫作特點詳加論述。《瀛寰志略》讓清末中國人對世界文明的認識,提升到一個新高度,新視野。從簡單的歐西人種不同,其生理特徵,轉而意識到生產方式之差異和社會政治經濟結構的不同,從而使清末中國人思路得以深化,並為晚清西學東漸的思潮,提供了最初的理論依據和範本。This thesis aims at investigating the book, Huan Ing Zhi Lue, edited by Xu Ji-Yu in the perspective of the modernization thoughts. Xu Ji-Yu is one of the great ideological pioneers in Chinese modern history. He was equally famous as thinkers of Wei Yuang and Lin Ze-Xu. The book, Huan Ing Zhi Lue, he edited introduces foreign history and geography. It greatly influences the Chinese in the late Ching Dynasty to pursue modern knowledge and prosperity. Also, it opens up a new door for people at that time who live in a closed society. In the book of Huan Ing Zhi Lue, Xu Ji-Yu investigates the issues of world geography, advantages and disadvantages of western civilization as well western countries. Furthermore, he outlines the differences between Chinese civilization and others. He initially examines the history, culture and social system with respective of the strengths of western civilization. He also intensively documents the democratic system origins from western countries. By presenting this book, he discloses the reasons of prosperity for western-powerful countries in terms of the leading system of social capital and industrial society. He touches issues of western culture compared to other geographical works oriented in material issues. Huan Ing Zhi Lue helps in lifting the focus and attentions of Chinese people in the late Ching Dynasty to new level. People pay more attentions to the differences of manufacturing style, society and economics between Chinese and western-powerful countries. The differences of physical characteristics and ethnicity are compromised. This book shifts the modernized paradigm of Chinese society and sets up a well-developed theoretical background for Chinese to follow.
起訖頁 261-290
關鍵詞 徐繼畬瀛寰志略清代思想中西交流Xu Ji-YuHuan Ing Zhi LueThoughts in Ching DynastyChinese and Western culture
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201206 (9期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 孔顏樂處及其對人格教育的啟示
該期刊-下一篇 環境識覺之問卷實施方法探究




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