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Questionnaire Survey Method on Environmental Perception
作者 韓菊美林綱偉
在環境識覺的相關研究中,問卷調查是不可或缺的方法之一。回顧近十餘年來,台灣地區有關環境識覺研究所使用的問卷,八成以上的問卷內容不超過五頁(A4),此一現象說明為使問卷回收率良好,題項與頁數有精簡的限制或慣例。然而,這樣的問卷設計也可能產生無法充分獲得受訪者環境識覺訊息的遺憾。本研究採實徵研究取向,針對一份基於環境識覺研究目的所設計的十頁問卷做探索性的研究。藉由以國一學生為問卷發放的中介者所實施的問卷調查法進行施測。調查結果顯示,整個問卷施測過程僅需四天便可完成,且有效問卷回收率達91%。本文於此提出施測關鍵要素的處理方法,俾能提供相關研究者之參考。The questionnaire survey is one of indispensable methods in the study of environmental perception. Questionnaires used in environmental perception related study rarely surpass five pages of A4 paper. This phenomenon indicates that items and pages must be simplified in order to have a good returns-ratio. However, the effectiveness of the questionnaire using limited pages could also be queried. This study conducted a 10-page questionnaire survey on peoples' environmental perception by the aid of seventh grade students. It attempts to clarify whether such a questionnaire is too long to reach high returns-ratio and cost-effective purpose. We found that the entire questionnaire survey took only four days and the effective returns-ratio reached 91%. This paper details the essential factors affecting the effectiveness of this questionnaire and provides suggestions for future survey.
起訖頁 291-317
關鍵詞 環境識覺實徵研究問卷調查法有效問卷回收率Environmental perceptionEmpirical researchQuestionnaire surveyEffective returns-ratio
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201206 (9期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 「瀛寰志略」之寫作思想研究




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