中文摘要 |
本研究旨在瞭解技職教育師培生的職業認知與生涯選擇,而採用質性研究方式與利用社會生涯認知理論(SCCT)建構半結構式訪談大綱,探討技職教育師培生的職業認知與生涯選擇的關鍵因素及職業認知是否會影響其生涯選擇。而本研究對象是分層隨機抽取彰化師範大學技職學院工教系與商教系修習教育學程20位同學為訪談對象,將其訪談資料整理成逐字稿,並進行編碼統計。最後研究結果發現:(1)技職教育師培生的職業認知會受到興趣的牽引而影響生涯選擇;(2)技職教育師培生職業認知中對於職業選擇時會優先考量生活機能如地點、環境…等;(3)技職教育師培生的職業認知中,皆認為具備專業能力很重要,且需要積極培養專業能力成長;(4)技職教育師培生的職業認知中,皆不認為升學為提升自我的唯一考量。The purpose of this study was to investigate vocational awareness and career decision-making for preservice teachers in the vocational and technological education. We used qualitative research and social cognitive theory with semi-structured interview outline to investigate the relationship between vocational awareness and career decision-making that will be influenced preservice teachers. Otherwise, we also investigated their career decision-making was influenced by vocational awareness or not. This study was randomly selected 20 preservice teachers from Department of Industrial Education and Technology and Department of Business Education in National Changhua University of Education. The data of interview was coded and statistically analyzed by researchers. The result of this study was stated as below: (1) Vocational awareness of preservice teachers was influenced on interest that also influenced their career decision-making in the vocational and technological education. (2) In the vocational and technological education, vocational awareness of preservice teachers' career decision-making they have some priorities of vital functions is location, environment, and so on. (3) The professional ability is the most important factor for vocational awareness of preservice teachers in vocational and technological education. So, they need to keep learning in their field. (4) They don't think that study is an only way to improve their abilities for vocational awareness of preservice teachers in vocational and technological education. |