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A Research of Han-Shan's Interpretal Modalities and Extensional Revelations about General Education - Focus on'Han-Shan' Scholiums upon Lao-Tzu'
作者 陳松柏
《老子道德經憨山注》為晚明禪僧憨山(又名德清、澄印,西元1547-1627年)存世之老學注本。本書自問世以來,學界援用其注文的情況很普遍,但對於其詮釋老子義理的基本模式,輒多未能深入研究。實際上,憨山所解讀的老學思想理念,除了源自於他個人的禪者本位立場外,同時還融入了佛教心性哲學的終極價值,非常值得我們一窺堂奧。本文首先之學術目的,便是以其老學作品《老子道德經憨山注》為聚焦探討的基礎,希望闡述憨山如何將老子思想巧妙轉化成佛教自性說的問題,釐清其老子注本的主要詮釋模式;此外,另一方面則是嘗試推勘憨山的注解經典態度,將之解讀在目前大學通識教學的層面上,希望藉此活化出這位晚明禪僧的精采神韻,彰顯其在現在大學通識教學上面的可能啟示或正面價值。'Han-shan' Scholiums upon Lao-Tzu' had very idiosyncratic realizations about traditional Chinese Taoism , and general scholars always relished to cite it but could not study further. The prime title of this paper was 'A Research of Han-shan's interpretal modalities and extensional revelations about general education' , its' handling emphases had two sections:first one was handling Han-shan how to interpret the Lao-tzu's philosophic concept of Taoism , connected it and inverted into Buddhist theory of inbeing that include eternal nature and absolute facticity. Secondly, this paper was experimentally developed Han-shan' scholiumal principles, further amplified potential irradiances about up-to-date general education.
起訖頁 149-178
關鍵詞 憨山老學通識教育Han-shanTaoismGeneral education
刊名 正修通識教育學報  
期數 201206 (9期)
出版單位 正修科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 技職教育師培生的職業認知與生涯選擇之研究
該期刊-下一篇 環境倫理--初探道路建設對路域生態的影響及野生動物通道設置的意義




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