體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
201303 (46:1期)期所有篇 |
- 體育統計分析與層次研究概念之介紹 Introduction of the statistical analysis concepts and multilevel research in sport and exercise Science
- 全身性振動伸展訓練頻率對足球運動員柔軟度、爆發力及敏捷性之影響 The effects of different frequency whole-body vibration with static stretching training on flexibility, power, and agility of soccer players
- 三種不同蹲踞距離起跑之運動學分析 Kinematics for 3 different distances of crouch starts in sprints
- 不同方向的躍起著地對下肢矢狀面關節運動學、動力學和能量學的影響 Effects of different jump-landing directions on sagittal plane kinematics, kinetics and energetics at lower extremity joints
- 急性有氧健身運動對計畫相關執行功能之影響 Effect of acute aerobic exercise on planning-related executive function
- 臺灣大專校院體育行政組織效能模式之建構 The efficiency model construction for the administration of physical education in universities and colleges of Taiwan
- 臺灣棒球中的種族堆疊 The Stacking of Taiwanese Baseball
- 日本足球職業化催生之探討 The research of promoting professionalization of Japanese football
- 田徑場距離標示訓練法對國小學童之體脂率及心肺適能的影響 Effects of stadium-marked training method on body fat percentage and cardiorespiratory fitness in elementary students
- 高爾夫球推桿測試系統之建構 The development of golf putting testing system
- 健康網球選手肩部肌力與關節活動度之關係 The associations between muscle strength in shoulders and joint flexibility of healthy tennis players
- 自我控制是否能促進老年人在變異練習的獲益? Can self-control facilitate the benefit of variable practice in older adults?
- 從質性到量化途徑發展大學生體育課情感量表 The development of college students' emotional scale towards physical education: From qualitative to quantitative approaches
- 臺灣國族與運動:一個後現代主義觀點的討論 Sport and nationalism in Taiwan: A perspective of postmodernism
- 不同橢圓機的坡度、阻力、步頻對運動強度的綜合影響 The combined effect of grade, resistance and step frequency on exercise intensity among different elliptical trainers
- 籃球教練經驗在進攻策略中視覺特徵差異之比較 The visual characteristic differences on basketball coaches experience in the offensive strategy
- 不同外在負重對男子競技體操選手併腿全旋運動學表現的影響 The kinematic effect of external weight loadings on performance of double leg circles for male competitive gymnasts
- 優秀蹼泳選手出發動作之生物力學分析 Biomechanical analysis of elite finswimmers' start movement
- 軟式網球不同技能水準選手的運動視覺之比較 A comparison study of sports vision in soft tennis players of different skill levels
- 修正四向度競技運動成就目標量表暨其建構效度之驗證 Revising four dimension achievement Goal questionnaire for sport and the verification of construct validity
- 臺北市高中體育教師領導風格與班級氣氛對體育課學習動機之影響 Effects of high school teacher's leadership style and classroom climate on student's motivation of attending physical education class in Taipei City
- 臺灣頂尖運動選手的國家認同 The national identities of Taiwanese top class athletes
- 中華職棒野手球員的國籍、年資、球隊效果與換隊頻率對其績效之影響:1990年到2010年 The Impact of nationality, tenure, team and frequency of team switching on the batter's performance in Chinese professional baseball league: 1990-2010
- 運動緊身服飾對運動疲勞與促進恢復之影響--系統性回顧 The effects of sports compression garment on fatigue and recovery: A systematic review
- 振動式動態恢復對衰竭運動後血乳酸清除的影響 Effects of active recovery combined with whole body vibration on blood lactic acid clearance after an exhaustion exercise
- 國小教師疲勞程度與運動行為和心肺適能之比較研究 A comparative study of the level of fatigue, exercise behavior and cardiopulmonary fitness of female primary school teachers
- 全身性振動伸展訓練對女性高齡者功能性體適能之影響 Effects of whole body vibration with static stretching training on functional fitness in elderly female
- 羽球正拍輕彈球及搓球之生物力學分析 Biomechanical analysis on badminton forehand dab shot and stab shot
- 國中生運動行為、運動社會支持及衝動性格與學業適應問題之關聯性 Relationships among exercise behavior, social support, impulsivness, and academic adaptation in Junior High School students
- 部分錯誤參照有助於動作表現與學習 Partial error reference benefits motor performance and learning
- 家長式領導行為與信任教練:團隊價值觀的跨層次調節效果 Paternalistic leadership behaviors and trust-in-coach: The cross level moderating effects of team values
- 運動員公平知覺量表之中文化與修訂--以組織公平為基礎 Validation of the sport team justice perception questionnaire: Based on organizational justice
- 題項包裹法於結構方程模式分析中的應用:臺灣體育與運動學術研究之分析與探討 Structural equation modeling with item parceling method in physical education and sport research in Tai
- 以生態系統觀點析論高中體育班學生學習與升學進路 Learning and advanced education of high school students in athletic class: A perspective of ecological systems
- 運用休閒生命回顧課程協助輕中度失智症患者自我統整之研究 A qualitative study on the ego-integrity of outpatients with mild to moderate dementia through a recreational life review program
- 臺灣社會下的媒體再現與女性運動員:屬民觀點的批判 Media representation and female athletes in Taiwan: A critique from subaltern perspective