202209 (2022:5期)期所有篇 |
- 要素市場化配置的經濟法調整 Economic Law Adjustment of Market-oriented Allocation of Factors
- 上市公司股份回購方案的法律性質與規制策略──民法、公司法與證券法的三重維度 The Legal Nature and Regulatory Strategies of the Listed Company's Share Repurchase Program--Dimensions of Civil Law, Company Law and Securities Law
- 民事判决反射效力研究 A Study on the Reflective Effect of Civil Judgments
- 論私權體系的理論構成與民法典的立法構建 Theoretical Composition of the Private Right System and the Legislative Construction of the Civil Code
- 積極老齡化理念下民法典成年監護規範解釋論 On the Interpretation of Adult Guardianship Rules in the Civil Code under the Concept of Active Aging
- 網絡支付方式下盜竊罪與詐騙罪區分的教義學分析 A Doctrinal Analysis of the Distinction between Crimes of Theft and Fraud Concerning Network Payment Method
- 財産性利益的界定標準體系重構──以利益轉移罪的認定爲中心 Reconstruction of the Definition Standard System for Property Interests: A Study Based on the Determining Crime of Transferring Interests
- 規範“互涉”案件中監察機關與刑事司法機關管轄制度 Regulate the Jurisdiction System of Supervisory Organs and Criminal Judicial Organs in 'Mutually Involved' Cases
- 論合憲性審查溯及力的規範模式與裁量方法 On the Regulation Mode and Discretion Method of Retroactive Power in Constitutional Review
- 個人信息委托處理中受托人的地位、義務與責任 Entrusted Processing of Personal Information: Status, Obligations and Responsibilities of the Trustee
- 生態型公司法的理論證成及制度實現 Theoretical Justification and Institutional Realization of Ecological Company Law
- 平台用工算法規制的勞動法進路 Labor Law Approachin Regulating Platform Employment Algorithm
- 國際海洋環境法的司法强化及其對中國的啓示 Judicial Strengtheningin International Marine Environmental Law and Its Reference to Chin