202207 (2022:4期)期所有篇 |
- 《刑法修正案(十一)》對口袋罪的限縮及其意義 Restrictions on Pocket Crime by 'Criminal Law Amendment (11) ' and Its Significance
- 行政基本法典的中國道路 The Chinese Path of Basic Administrative Code
- 中國與《聯合國海洋法公約》40年:歷程、影響與未來展望 China and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 40 Years: History, Influence and Future Prospects
- 監檢銜接視野下的檢察提前介入監察機制研究 On the Supervision Mechanism of Procuratorial Intervention in Advance from the Perspective of Connecting Supervision and Procuration
- 監察調查權的規制路徑──兼評《監察法實施條例》 The Regulatory Path of Supervision and Investigation Power: A Commentary on Implementation Regulations of the Supervision Law
- 論個人信息權益與隱私權的關係 On the Relationship between Personal Information Rights and Privacy Rights
- 失信約束中個人信息保護模式的更迭與走向 The Evolution and Trend of Personal Information Protection Mode in the Constraint of Untrustworthiness
- 數據主權視角下的個人信息保護國際法治衝突與對策 International Legal Conflicts and Countermeasures for Personal Information Protection from the Perspective of Data Sovereignty
- 論領域法的私法研究範式──以《個人信息保護法》研究爲例 On the Private Law Research Paradigm of Domain Law: A Study Based on Personal Information Protection Law
- 行政處罰中違法者主觀認識論綱 An Outline of Subjective Knowledge of Violators in Administrative Punishment
- 《民法典》人格權編中的參照適用法律技術 Legal Techniques on Reference Application in the Personality Rights Title in the Civil Code
- 人工智能創作中數據獲取與利用的著作權風險及化解路徑 Copyright Risks and Solutions for Data Acquisition and Utilization in Artificial Intelligence Works
- 轉售價格維持反壟斷法實施的衝突困境及其解决路徑 Anti -monopoly Law Implementation Concerning Resale Price Maintenance: Conflict Dilemma and Its Solution
- 被審前羈押者獲得律師幫助權探究 An Inquiry into the Right of Pretrial Detainees to Get Help from Lawyers