202101 (2021:1期)期所有篇 |
- 人格尊嚴:民法典人格權編的首要價值 Personal Dignity: The Primary Value of the Title of Personal Rights in Civil Code of China
- 《民法典》侵權責任編的守成與創新 The Observance and innovation of the Tort Liability of Civil Code of China
- 主體分離型道路交通事故中機動車所有人、管理人過錯的認定──以對《民法典》第1209條、第1212條的研讀為中心 identification of the Fault of the Owner and Manager of a Motor Vehicle in a Road Traffic Accident with Separate Subjects──A Study Focusing on Articles 1209 and 1212 of the Civil Code
- 自行辯護問題研究 A Research on Self-defense issues
- 被告人能否拒絕指定辯護問題研究 A Research on Whether the Defendant Can Refuse to Designate a Defense
- 民間融資的刑事法律風險界限 The Boundary of Criminal Legal Risk of Private Financing
- 逃稅罪中的行刑反轉條款:原理與解釋 Execution Reversal Clause in Tax Evasion Crime: Principles and Explanation
- 快遞物品毀損的限額賠償論 Limitation of Compensation for Damaged Delivery items
- 股東查閱會計帳簿的“不正當目的”抗辯研究──《公司法》第33條第2款的法教義學分析 The Defense of Shareholders' "improper Purpose" of Reading Accounting Books: Doctrinal Legal Analysis of Article 33, paragraph 2 of China's Company Law
- 濫用優勢地位行為的違法性判定與規制路徑 The Judgment of illegality and Regulation Path of Abusing Dominant Position
- 檢察公益訴訟的訴權迷思與理論重構 The Myth of Prosecutorial Rights in Public interest Litigation and Theoretical Reconstruction
- 論書證提出命令的制度擴張與要件重構 System Expansion and the Essential Factor Reconstruction on the Order of Documentary Evidence
- 我國私營安全公司域外服務的法律困境及其突破 The Legal Dilemma and Breakthrough of Private Security Company's Extraterritorial Services in China
- 法學教育與新工科人才培養相融合之路徑探索 Exploring the Path of integrating Legal Education and New Engineering Talents Training