201803 (2018:2期)期所有篇 |
- 確認他人惡意串通合同無效之訴的合法性檢討──最高人民法院指導案例33號的程序法評釋 The Legality of Confirming Others' Vindictive Malicious Colluded Contracts as Invalid - A Procedural Law Comment of the Guiding Case No. 33 of the Supreme People's Court
- 惡意串通、債權人撤銷權及合同無效的法律後果──最高人民法院指導案例33號的實體法評釋 Malicious Collusion, Cancellation by Creditors and the Legal Consequences of Invalid Contracts - A Substantive Law Comment on Guiding Gase No. 33 of the Supreme People's Court
- 國際海底區域“開採法典”的制定與中國的應有立場 The Development of the Exploitation Code in the Area and China's Position
- 國際海底區域擔保國責任的可能發展及其對中國的啟示 Possible Development of Sponsoring States Liability in the Area and Its Implication for China
- 新《國家賠償法》下刑事賠償的司法實踐研究 A Research on Judicial Practice of Criminal Compensation under New State Compensation Law
- 論刑罰概念:從“本質”到“意義” On the Concept of Penalty: from Nature to Significance
- 境外追逃追贓良性循環理念的界定與論證 The Definition and Argumentation of the Notion of Virtuous Cyclical Oversea Pursuit of Escapee and Booty
- 我國經濟犯罪超個人法益屬性辨析、類型劃分及評述 Analysis, Classification, and Comment on the Public's Legal Benefit of Economic Crime in China
- 論債因在合同法中的作用 On the Role of Obligandi Causa in Contract Law
- 從中國民法典時代特色角度談知識產權入典立法建議 Legislative Proposals of Entering Intellectual Property into the Civil Code from the Perspective of Chinese Characteristics
- 勞動法分類調整模式的憲法依據 Constitutional Basis for Classified Adjustment of Labor Law
- 認罪認罰從寬制度試點的實踐性反思 Practical Reflection on the Pilot Program of Leniency System of Guilty Plea
- 論協商性司法的價值立場 The Standpoint of Value on Negotiated Justice
- 人民陪審員參審職權改革的中國模式及反思 The Chinese Model on the Reform of the Right for People's Juror to Attend Trial and Its Reflection
- 我國共有物分割之訴性質研究 The Nature of Division of Common Property Litigation in China