從中古「面」、「顏」、「臉」更替現象看南北朝通語異同 Lexical Differences between Southern and Northern Middle Chinese: Demonstrated by the Diachronic Substitutions of Mian, Yan, and Lian
正時與賦物——唐代時令賦的物候感知與國家論述 Seasonal Governance and Descriptions of Nature: Perceptions of Seasonal Phenomena and National Discourse in Tang Dynasty Fu
《河岳英靈集》的版本流傳與編纂動機重探 Re-exploring the Editions, Circulation History, and Motivations behind the Compilation of Heyue Yingling Ji
《道教義樞》〈道性義〉對佛性思想的吸收與轉折 The Absorption and Translation of the Buddha-Nature Doctrine into Dao-Nature Theory in Daojiao Yishu
父子君臣——春秋三傳與宋代理學家對蒯聵、衛輒評論之比較 Discussion of an Ethical Choice: A Comparison between Three Commentaries on the Chunqiu and Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianist Interpretations
明代伏牛山鍊磨法門考論 Chan Practice on Mt. Funiu during the Ming Dynasty
論梅鷟《尚書考異》、《尚書譜》兩書性質與成書先後 The Characteristics and Chronological Order of Mei Zhuo’s Shangshu Kaoyi and Shangshu Pu
被忘卻的傳統——明末清初《成唯識論》相關珍稀注釋書考論 A Forgotten Tradition: The Lesser Known Late-Ming and Early-Qing Annotations of the Cheng Weishi Lun
十八、十九世紀巴達維亞唐人對殖民地行政體系的文化認知賦予與重塑 Loanwords Used by Hokkien Speakers in the Dutch East Indies in the 18th and 19th Centuries: A Case Study of Official Titles, Ranks and Governing Bodies Utilized in Minutes of Council Meetings